Agenda item

2017/18 Schools' Budget


Jenny Lawrence introduced her report and summarised the recommendations in paragraphs 3 - 10, which would require both noting and decision making by Schools’ Forum members.


Jenny explained that the Schools Block Education Services Grant which the Local Authority receives for statutory duties was now included in the Dedicated Schools Block.


High Needs - Jenny reported that the school funding rate would remain at 2016/17 levels.  The Minimum Funding Guarantee will remain at minus 1.5% per pupil for 2017/18.


Jenny reported that School Budgets had been submitted and had been declared compliant with the regulations by the Education Funding Agency (EFA).


The High Needs transfer is slightly below the estimated £3m at £2.58m in the County Council Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), which will be considered at Cabinet tomorrow and County Council on 22 February.


The table in paragraph 30 sets out High Needs pressures to 2018/19. Proposed savings include Placement costs, review of Specialist Teaching Services and other areas funded from High Needs.


Paragraph 34 sets out the proposed Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) savings targets.


The National Funding Formula for Early Years has been introduced by the DfE from April 2017.  Changes to the ways providers receive funding has been subject to a consultation.  An increase of 13.5% for Leicestershire will get passed on to providers.  2017 sees the introduction of the Disability Access Fund, giving additional funding for pupils in receipt of National Living Allowance.


SEN Inclusion Fund – support for 3 and 4 year olds set up for SEN providers.  An increase of £100,000 to reflect the expansion of 15 to 30 hours provision for eligible families from September 2017.


Base Rates set out in paragraphs 59 - 60 in terms of 2, 3 and 4 year olds.


No changes to the way school budgets are calculated, other than the re-stating of IDACI bands which are led by national changes in data from the EFA.


New rates set for excluded pupils.


No formal notification of Pupil Premium for 2017/18.


It is estimated £2m as free balance within the Schools Grant, which is being held as contingency.  Not clear the Local Authority role in terms of school growth once the National Funding Formula is introduced.


Paragraph 63 sets out high level proposals around Local Authority Budget for growth and savings and focus of Capital Programme over the next 2 years.


The following questions were raised:


High Needs Block


Suzanne Uprichard referred to the table on page 19 which indicates that Oakfield was expected to take a reduction of £30,000 in 2017/18 and £50,000 in 2018/19 and asked if that was correct.  Jenny responded that those proposed savings were correct.


Suzanne reported back from a recent meeting at Oakfield which concluded that £30,000 plus other savings identified meant could not logically continue but could probably squeeze up to £20,000.  Suzanne reported that Alison Bradley the Headteacher was also a Service Manager at the Local Authority and she was expected to spend time at the LA, that time was not reimbursed back into Oakfield.  There needed to be clarification whether Oakfield is a service or a school.  Concerns regarding decisions had not been made with Oakfield and concerns that it may result in possible safeguarding issues at Oakfield with their most vulnerable children.


Jenny Lawrence responded that a range of savings and opportunities had been identified by service leads within the Local Authority, within the Medium Term Financial Strategy being presented at County Council on 22 February.


Paul Meredith reported that the decision was made on the basis of information provided by officers and was still going through the process of finalising budget.  He stated that Oakfield is a very valuable resource, and confirmed it is a school. 


Karen Allen commented that Oakfield has 2 separate funding streams –school to school support which is working very effectively but this is the school budget stream and any cut to their budget would have massive implications.


Jane Moore introduced herself as the newly appointed Assistant Director for Education and Early Help.  Jane confirmed that Oakfield was committed and running as a school and the LA was working with Alison Bradley to ensure the retention of the support and services in place.


Martin Turnham commented on the scale of Oakfield savings from the High Needs Block £30,000 - £50,000, and was a short sighted saving and asked if there could be other ways of making savings.


Steve McDonald referred to the use of High Needs budget in paragraph 31, Appendix B and asked if the Independent sector £24m was included in £66m.  Jenny clarified yes the Local Authority was looking at all aspects of High Needs spend and driving down costs of those external placements.


Steve McDonald asked how that compared with Ashmount, Forest Way etc?  Jenny responded that unit costs were very different and varied on needs, vast range of support children receiving, some required 2:1 support on a 24-hour basis.  Average costs are shown in Appendix B.


Nick Goforth commented that if independent places reduced to £57,800 that would cover the £50,000. 


Paul Meredith commented that Leicestershire was in a difficult position,   already stating impacts, projected overspend £3.8m reduced to £2.3m but still a long way to go. 


David Thomas referred to the table in paragraph 30.  The overall allocation to Leicestershire is £63.157m and includes all FE, maintained schools and academy funding.  Once the EFA have made the County allocation they recoup funding for FE providers who they fund directly, the difference of £1.694m relates to this funding.  The figure of £61.463 represents the grant available to the County Council to commission all High Needs services including places at academies.


Karen Allen thanked colleagues on behalf of the Oakfield Management Board that many people agree it is a school, not a service for those children there.  Secondly, looks like may re-consider those cuts to Oakfield, and asked if that was still going to happen, could an equivalent saving to Secondary Partnerships budget also be considered.


Jenny Lawrence clarified school funded £10,000 place plus top up funding similar to special schools.  Minimum funding does not kick in the same way and works quite differently.


Early Years Block


Suzanne Uprichard referred to paragraphs 36 and 37, Countesthorpe Nursery, which currently receives £6.80 per hour compared to voluntary and independent providers, and asked does that mean it will come out of being a maintained nursery and the £6.80 per hour will reduce?  Jenny responded yes, if the proposals are confirmed.


There was discussion regarding the extension of Free Entitlement to Early Education additional hours, which would be a funding issue for many schools.  Jenny Lawrence stated that Early Years funding reflects on the hours being taken.  Jenny proposed that a member of the Early Years and Childcare Service attend a future meeting of the Schools’ Forum to clarify how they are working with providers to roll out the 30 hours Free Entitlement to Early Education for 3 and 4 year olds.  Forum agreed.


Jane Moore reported that Early Years colleagues had been working with the private sector primarily around the changes.  Jane assured Primary Headteachers that the team would make contact to discuss the 30 hours in more detail. 


Excluded Pupils

Karen Allen asked where that money would go.  Jenny confirmed that funding would follow the pupil, whether it was Oakfield or a different school.


Pupil Premium

Jenny confirmed separate allocation, a question to be asked why it should be separate. 


Mr Ould reported that Nick Gibb was representing F40 at a round table discussion, only organisation disagreed with proposals was F40.  Promised in March has not been delivered in December.  F40 members would be meeting in the House of Commons on 20 February.  The Government might have to reconsider how pupil premium be delivered.  Proposals on the table at the moment – F40 have rejected the proposals can’t understand the logistics.


Dedicated Schools Grant Reserve

Tony Gelsthorpe referred to the table in paragraph 61 on School Deficits and Sponsorship.  Jenny Lawrence responded there were two different groups of schools converting.  Under normal conversion would carry forward deficit and all surplus, but if converting under sponsorship arrangements then school would leave deficit behind with the Local Authority and start afresh.  Jenny said where at risk of school deficit coming back to the Authority, the Local Authority will issue a Warning Notice and would expect the school to see their way out of that deficit in time as a maintained school.  Jenny clarified the table in paragraph 61 leaves a balance of just over £2m.


The Local Authority Budget

Tony Gelsthorpe referred to paragraph 63 and asked what proportion of the LEEP budget?  Jenny clarified that was the total budget.




Schools’ Forum were asked to approve the retention of budgets.  Jenny clarified the third bullet point increase 2016/17 – previously Education Services Grant was now included in the Dedicated Schools Grant.


Schools’ Forum agreed the recommendations in the report, as set out on page 10.


Supporting documents: