Agenda item

Strategic Plan and Single Outcomes Framework.


The Commission considered a report of the Chief Executive which provided details of the revised Strategic Plan and sought views on the strategic outcomes that the Council had identified as its priorities for Leicestershire.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 9’ is filed with these minutes.


Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-


(i)          Concern was expressed that the Strategic Plan and Single Outcomes Framework was a high-level document which lacked detail.  The Commission was advised that this was deliberate, as the Plan would form a mechanism for identifying priorities and ensuring that the focus was on delivering outcomes for the residents of Leicestershire, within available resources.  A performance framework would be developed to enable the Council to monitor delivery of the outcomes.


(ii)         The Commission supported the outcomes but suggested that they would be defined better as aspirations.  This view was acknowledged, but members were assured that the Strategic Plan would create an updated framework for more detailed plans and strategies, such as the Enabling Growth Plan, to deliver the outcomes.  These would be reviewed in the light of the Strategic Plan to ensure alignment with the new strategic priorities.  Where this was not the case, services could be decommissioned.  More detail on delivery arrangements would be included in the next report to the Scrutiny Commission.


(iii)       The Commission emphasised the importance of alignment with the strategic plans of partner organisations.  The engagement exercise that was currently being undertaken asked partners to confirm this; the outcomes had also been informed by existing partnership work and strategies.  Although the Strategic Plan would be owned by the County Council, partnership working would be essential to its delivery.


(iv)       The report submitted to the Cabinet in June included a high level list of the stakeholders that were being consulted on the Strategic Plan and Single Outcomes Framework.  This included key partners, district councils and MPs.  The Commission was disappointed that it had not received details of stakeholders; it was agreed that this would be included in the report to the next meeting.  Some concern was also expressed that the questionnaire being sent to stakeholders contained leading questions.  However, officers assured the Commission that any respondent had the opportunity to suggest changes as part of the process.


(v)        In response to concerns about the timing of further consideration of the Strategic Plan and Single Outcomes Framework, it was acknowledged that there would only be a short amount of time between the Scrutiny Commission commenting on the final draft and it being considered by the Cabinet.  The Commission was nonetheless assured that any comments it made would be reported to the Cabinet.


(vi)       The priority of quality and affordable housing highlighted the benefits of an outcomes based approach as housing was a significant determinant for overall quality of life.  There were a number of ways in which the County Council could influence this outcome, for example by accessing infrastructure funding through the Local Enterprise Partnership for roads to support housing developments.  The County Council also had a role in terms of the links between social care and housing.  Some concern was expressed that the County Council’s influence over the type of housing that developers would build in Leicestershire was limited.  However, the Council had been involved in the producing the Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment for Leicestershire which provided details of the level of affordable homes required and would inform the preparation of statutory local plans by individual local planning authorities.  Officers undertook to confirm whether this specified the future need for larger and smaller homes.


(vii)     Members were assured that environmental issues were a cross cutting theme within the Strategic Plan and Single Outcomes Framework.  Different environmental issues were referenced in support of each of the five outcomes.  This recognised the importance of the environment in improving people’s quality of life.




(a)        That the Chief Executive be requested to take the comments and concerns now raised into account when finalising the Strategic Plan and Single Outcomes Framework;


(b)        That a further report on the Strategic Plan and Single Outcomes Framework be submitted to the Commission in September and that the Leader of the Council be invited to attend the meeting and answer questions on that item.


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