Agenda item

Leicestershire County Council's Strategic Plan 2018 - 2022.


The Commission considered a joint report of the Chief Executive and Director of Corporate Resources which set out the results of an engagement process with key stakeholders on the County Council’s revised Strategic Plan 2018 – 2022, presented the revised Strategic Plan and outlined the changes required to deliver an outcomes-based approach in the Council.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 8’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed the Leader of the Council, Mr N J Rushton CC, to the meeting for this item.  Mr Rushton thanked the Committee for the comments it had made when it had previously considered the matter.  These had led to significant changes being made to the Strategic Plan.  Mr Rushton confirmed that the Strategic Plan would drive the Council’s agenda and inform the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) to enable departments to focus on delivering their strategic priorities.  The Transformation Programme would also be refreshed so that it could be aligned to the outcomes in the Plan.  Achievements would be monitored through the Annual Delivery Report.


Arising from discussion the following points were raised:-


(i)    The Commission welcomed the revised Strategic Plan and was pleased to note that the comments and concerns it had raised previously had been taken into account.  In particular, the Commission was pleased to see the introduction of a performance framework with measurable outcomes to support delivery of the Plan.


(ii)   It was suggested that the performance framework should include measures related to economic development and transport infrastructure, such as housing developments being linked to employment sites or a reduction in the number of people unable to get a job due to a lack of transport.  It was confirmed that the performance framework was still being developed and consideration would be given to the inclusion of these measures.  References in the Strategic Plan to transport infrastructure and access to employment had been strengthened following feedback from the Scrutiny Commission and stakeholders.


(iii)  Some concern was expressed that the measures identified in the performance framework for ensuring that cultural and historical heritage and the natural environment was enjoyed and conserved would not provide sufficient protection for the environment.  This should be addressed through the development of performance measures relating to open spaces, especially given the positive impact these had on mental health, and biodiversity.  It was also suggested that there was a conflict between the Council’s roles of promoting economic development and protecting the environment.  The Commission was assured that, despite the requirement for housing to be built across Leicestershire, there would be an emphasis placed on protecting the green spaces and areas that people valued.


(iv) Concern was expressed that not all of the Council’s key strategic partners had responded to the Plan.  However, the Commission was assured that, where responses had been received from partners, these had generally been positive and confirmed that there was alignment with the strategic direction of their own organisations.


(v)  The Commission emphasised the importance of communicating the final version of the Strategic Plan to partners so that they were aware of the Council’s strategic priorities and future areas of focus.  It was confirmed that the Plan would be made available on the Council’s website, shared with partners including MPs and publicised through the mainstream media and social media.


(vi) It was noted that delivery of some of the outcomes in the Strategic Plan would rely on partnership working.  The County Council aimed to foster good relationships with partners and the bid to be a pilot area for the retention of business rates was a good example of successful partnership working.  With regard to the outcome around affordable and quality homes, although the Council was not the relevant Local Planning Authority, its influence would come through its support to the planning process as the Highways Authority and the provision of services such as Supported Living.




(a)  That the revised Strategic Plan be welcomed;


(b)  That the comments now made be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 24 November.


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