Agenda item

Reconfiguration of In-House Learning Disability Residential Accommodation


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adults and Communities concerning proposals to close Hamilton Court Residential Home, the Smith Crescent short break service in Coalville and the reconfiguration of The Trees residential care home from a long stay to a short breaks facility. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 8’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman invited the Director to introduce the report. In doing so the Director advised the Committee that whilst the proposals would generate a small saving the rationale for the proposals was that the buildings at Hamilton Court and Smith Crescent were no longer fit for purpose and the plan was to close. Similarly with The Trees there now remained seven residents and the proposal was, subject to Cabinet approval, to review their needs and find alternative accommodation in a private or voluntary sector care home which was where the majority of people with such needs were looked after. The reconfiguration of the Trees would enable a better provision of short breaks and respite care to be provided, something that was lacking in the Hinckley area.


The Director and then the Cabinet Lead Member assured the Committee that the assessment process would be done sensitively and would have regard to relationships built up between the residents.


The Committee then considered questions and representations from relatives of residents of The Trees, Hinckley.  A copy of the questions and representations and the response provided by the Chairman was tabled at the meeting and is attached to these minutes.  The Chairman invited Mr Robinson, who was present at the meeting and had submitted the questions marked ‘A’ in the attached document, to address the Committee.


No supplementary questions were asked, but Mr Robinson advised the Committee that the proposals in respect of The Tress would mean that his son, who had been resident in the home, would be required to leave the place he had known as his home and this would also mean a break in the relationships he had built up with his fellow residents over the years. This had caused his son and the family considerable anguish. Whilst recognising the need for respite and short breaks he urged the Committee to reconsider the proposed closure of long term stays. Mr Robinson also queried the extent of accessibility issues referred to in the report, most of which he felt could be easily rectified, and the current bed occupancy.


The Chairman thanked Mr Robinson for his questions and comments.


In response to questions and comments the Committee was advised as follows:-


i)             The figures in the report for short breaks did not include the Shared Lives Service;

ii)            In the last few years approximately 30 people per year with learning disabilities had been placed in residential care by the Council. Clients and their carers were provided a choice of homes and all had chosen to go into private sector accommodation. No admissions  had been made to any of the Council’s in house provision;

iii)           It was highly unlikely that the Care Quality Commission would allow mixed used stay – i.e. long term residential and short breaks in the same building;

iv)           If the Cabinet was minded to proceed with the proposals, officers would work with the residents and their carers to assess their needs and find suitable alternative accommodation. Whilst each assessment would be of the individual and their needs the assessment would also look at relationships and friendships built up over the years and how these could be allowed to continue. In this regard the Director advised that a number of establishments had offered accommodation including one which could accommodate all four residents. However, at this stage, and given that a final decision had yet to be made, these offers had not been followed up;

v)            Whilst the proposal was to close both Hamilton Court and Smith Crescent the intention was, if possible, to use the sites to develop alternate social care provision.



a)    That the proposed changes to the in-house learning disability service be noted;

b)    That the commitment now given by the Director and Cabinet Lead Member to undertake a re-assessment of the needs of the current residents at the Trees and Hamilton Court and to have regard to the friendships and relationships built up over the years in the assessment process be welcomed;

c)    That the proposal to reinvest some of the resources released by the proposed reconfiguration into respite and short breaks be welcomed.


Supporting documents: