Agenda item

Early Help Review - Family Wellbeing Service (0-19).


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Children and Family Services concerning the creation of a new integrated family and wellbeing service that would involve a reduction in the number of Children’s Centres and a redesign of various elements of the Early Help Services. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 4’, is filed with these minutes.


Members noted the comments of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee, a copy of which is filed with these minutes.


The Cabinet also noted comments from a local resident Dr. Matthew O’Callaghan, a copy of which is filed with these minutes.


Mr Ould CC spoke of the importance of providing early intervention services. The financial pressures faced by the Council, and the expected cessation of Government funding for Leicestershire’s Supporting Families programme had necessitated the proposals but the Authority was committed to helping those families who needed most support and this would be done through the new integrated service.




(a)          That the results of the public consultation be noted;


(b)          That the number of Children’s Centres be reduced from 36 to 18 as detailed in paragraph 40 of the report;


(c)       That the Director of Children and Family Services following consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Children and Families and the Director of Corporate Resources be authorised to develop and implement the new family and wellbeing service on the basis outlined in the report, noting that this will include:


(i)            A remodelling of the staff structure to reflect the new integrated service and achieve staffing efficiencies,

(ii)          Delivering a buildings model based on the 18 Children’s Centres and 3 Supporting Leicestershire Families centres, and finding suitable alternative uses for the redesignated buildings wherever possible, including updating the impact analysis as the model is developed.






The new delivery model will provide targeted intervention to those families most in need via a better-integrated service that makes best use of the staff and resources available. 


The proposals have been informed by feedback from the consultation exercise and further work carried out since January, including the Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessment.  The new delivery model will enable the service to make the required savings of £1.5m in the period up to 2020.


The Director will need to develop and implement the new model over several months, as it will include for example, the re-designation of buildings and relocation of services.


Supporting documents: