Agenda item

A5 Strategy and Partnership.


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport regarding the A5 Partnership’s revised draft Strategy, ‘The A5: Supporting Growth and Movement in the Midlands 2018-2031’ and proposed Governance and Terms of Reference. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 13’, is filed with these minutes.


The Cabinet noted comments from Mrs Maggie Wright CC, a copy of which is filed with these minutes.


The Director said that, since publication of the report, the Partnership had met to discuss the draft Strategy and governance proposals. As the Council had previously made clear, the wider strategic infrastructure context had evolved since the original A5 Strategy was developed in 2011 and this needed to be reflected in the document. However, whilst acknowledging this and including reference to broader priorities, the Partnership did not support the inclusion of other schemes as strategic priorities, namely the M1 junction 20a and the A46 Expressway. The Partnership had also discussed the Governance and Terms of Reference but had not reached agreement, deciding to return to these at its October meeting.


The Director noted that in March, the Cabinet had agreed that, in order to participate in the Partnership, the Council’s requirements as Local Highway Authority must be reflected in the draft Strategy, and robust Terms of Reference and Governance arrangements put in place to give it credibility and weight. As a result of the outcome of the Partnership meeting, the recommendations to the Cabinet had changed.


The Director and Mr. Pain CC emphasised that the Council remained fully supportive of improvements to the A5 and would work with bodies such as Highways England, Midlands Connect and the Department for Transport to help achieve this.




(a)       That it be noted that at its meeting on 29 June the A5 Partnership agreed that 


(i)         the proposed governance arrangements and Terms of Reference for the Partnership would be reviewed and considered again by the Partnership at its next meeting on 19 October, and


(ii)        reference in the draft A5 Strategy regarding the A46 and Junction 20a of the M1 would be included but not as part of the strategic context for Leicestershire and the wider region,


                          and that, accordingly, the Council cannot support the draft A5 Strategy nor is able to endorse continued participation in the A5 Partnership on the basis that the revised governance arrangements and Terms of Reference has not been agreed by the A5 Partnership at this time;


(b)       The Council withdraws its membership of the A5 Partnership until such time as the A5 Strategy and the governance arrangements and Terms of Reference for the Partnership meet its requirements;


(c)       The Council will continue its support in principle for the upgrade of the A5, as part of the Council’s wider transport infrastructure priorities as set out in the Leicester and Leicestershire Rail Strategy and the Prospectus for Growth, through direct interaction with Highways England, Transport for the East Midlands, Midlands Connect, and the Department for Transport;


(d)       The Director of Environment and Transport be requested to inform relevant stakeholders, including Highways England, Midlands Connect, Transport for the East Midlands, and the Department for Transport, of the Council’s position with regard to the A5 Partnership.




The wider infrastructure priorities for Leicestershire and the Council’s role and responsibilities as Highway Authority are not adequately reflected in the draft Strategy or in the existing Terms of Reference and governance arrangements for the Partnership. 


The Council remains supportive of improvements to the A5, as one of a number of road and rail investments, and it is appropriate that as the Highway Authority it continues to communicate directly with stakeholders and external bodies.


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