Agenda item

The Development of a Unitary Structure for Local Government in Leicestershire.


The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive which outlined proposals for a unitary structure for local government in Leicestershire and provided an update on the development of a Strategic Alliance for the East Midlands. A copy of the report, marked ‘4’, is filed with these minutes.


Regarding a Strategic Alliance for the East Midlands, the Chief Executive advised that further consideration would need to be set alongside the recent Government announcement about establishing a development corporation around the proposed HS2 hub at Toton and the eventual geography of the corporation.


Mr. Rushton CC welcomed the opportunity to engage more widely throughout autumn to spring with all stakeholders, particularly district councils, MPs, business leaders and parish councils on the two options set out in the report and encouraged them to suggest alternatives. These would be considered by the cross-party working group, which would meet for the first time on 19 October 2018.




a)          That the outline proposals for the development of a unitary structure for local government in Leicestershire be approved for stakeholder engagement;


b)          That the Terms of Reference for the Working Party established by the County Council on 26 September be approved;


c)          That the present position in respect of a Strategic Alliance for the East Midlands be noted.






To enable consideration to be given to the next steps in the development of a unitary structure for local government in Leicestershire.


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