Agenda item

Draft Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Carers' Strategy 2018-2021.


The Committee considered a joint report of the Directors of Adults and Communities, Children and Family Services and Public Health on the outcome of public consultation on the draft joint Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) Carer’s Strategy 2018-21, which set out strategic priorities relating to unpaid carers of all ages.  A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 9’, is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed the Spokesmen of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee to the meeting for this item.


Arising from the discussion, the following comments were raised:


i)             Some concern was expressed that the number of responses received during the consultation appeared to be low.  Members were advised that significant engagement had taken place with carer groups and the care sector on the proposed content of the Strategy before the commencement of the consultation period.  It was noted with elected members that local networks could be used in future consultations.


ii)            Although this was a joint Strategy, there was a risk of fragmented implementation due to the fact that there would be six sets of governance arrangements.  Despite the organisations having a similar strategic intent, each had a different implementation plan, with actions that were relevant to the individual localities.  The Committee noted that there were a number of positive actions within the County Council’s implementation plan.


iii)           With regard to measuring outcomes, members were advised that a bi-annual survey of carers currently took place which followed a standard methodology and asked a range of questions to ascertain the overall level of satisfaction.  Current feedback from the survey was not particularly positive, and this mirrored the national picture.  It was hoped that improvements in the carer offer would be reflected in a more positive survey response.


iv)           One of the key themes emerging from the consultation was that carers generally agreed that the way in which services were provided for the cared-for created a level of carer strain.  The key issue identified that a lack of signposting caused further stress, and as a result additional dedicated staff were employed in the customer services centre to provide a more helpful and responsive service.


v)            There appeared to be a varying level of support for carers from GPs.  In response to a query around how this could be improved, it was acknowledged that engagement had not always been successful.  However, carers had stated in the consultation that they wanted to receive information and advice through primary care providers and the aspiration was to have this as a place to get information, not just via a consultation with a GP, but as a navigation point.


vi)           The priority in relation to supporting young carers was welcomed, in particular addressing the specific needs of young carers in terms of respite.  As a result of the feedback received, it would be necessary to undertake further work around the offer for young carers, and this would be reflected in the final Strategy which would be presented to the Cabinet at its meeting on 16 October.


vii)         A further issue in relation to young carers was the need to balance their caring responsibilities and their education needs.  In addressing the overall impact on young carers, key was ensuring that the service user they were caring for was receiving the appropriate support in their own right.  The Council had commissioned Barnardo’s to provide a support service for young carers.  The importance of the corporate parenting responsibility of everyone was stressed, along with ensuring that young people were being looked after appropriately.  The views of the Committee on young carers would be forwarded to the Chairman of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further consideration.




(a)That the report be noted;


(b) That the comments now made be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 16 October.

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