Agenda item

Alcohol and Drugs.


The Police and Crime Panel considered a report of the Police and Crime Commissioner which provided an update on progress with the aims set out in the Police and Crime Plan to tackle alcohol and drugs (substance) misuse. A copy of the report, ‘marked Agenda Item 7’, is filed with these minutes. 


Arising from discussions the following points were noted:


(i)        The actions that were set out in the report related to treatment and prevention rather than the enforcement of drug related crimes.


(ii)       In response to a question about whether Turning Point were able to cope with the demand placed upon them it was explained that there was a target for treatment to begin within 3 weeks of referral and Turning Point had met this target in 100% of cases. Reassurance was also given that Turning Point were in the upper quartile for successful completion rates when judged against all the substance misuse services nationally. Furthermore, Turning Point were not merely focusing on moving a service user through the process as quickly as soon as possible, but were providing a good quality service and addressing all the user’s needs.


(iii)      Some of the substance misuse work had been subcontracted to an organisation known as Dear Albert which was based at 5 Hill Street, Leicester and provided peer led, recovery focused interventions.


(iv)      Turning Point provided an outreach service which was based in Leicester City and consideration was being given to whether it could be expanded into the Charnwood area.


(v)       Turning Point were looking for a permanent base in the Hinckley area and had considered the Atkins Building on Lower Bond Street, but to date had not found a suitable option.


(vi)      In response to concerns raised that Turning Point were not sharing data or working closely with partners, members were assured that Turning Point were able to provide rich data broken down to district level and that they worked closely with Joint Action Groups, Community Safety Partnerships and the police to share information. In response to a request from a member that Turning Point be asked to share information about specific individuals with district councils it was explained that this was not straightforward as Information Sharing Agreements were required and it would be necessary to comply with data protection legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation. Due to the concerns which remained regarding the Turning Point contract the PCC offered to arrange a meeting between Turning Point and CSP Chairs. It was also suggested that a representative from Turning Point could attend the Leicestershire Safer Communities Strategy Board to answer questions. (However, subsequent to the meeting of the Police and Crime Panel it was decided that as accountability for any issues with Turning Point lay with Public Health and the OPCC as joint commissioners of the service it would be more appropriate for the issues to be raised in a meeting between the commissioners and the provider rather than between Turning Point and other bodies.)


(vii)    Members supported the use of Out of Court disposals for people with substance misuse problems, the aim of which was to tackle the problem early before users got involved with serious crime.


(viii)   Work was ongoing to tackle street drinkers including liaison with SLUGS (Students of Leicester Universities, Guides and Scouts), and Public Space Protection Orders were used when appropriate.


(ix)      A member suggested that some drug users did not come forward for treatment for fear that they would be arrested and the member asked that messages be disseminated to communities explaining that the emphasis was on treatment and prevention rather than enforcement.




That the contents of the report be noted.


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