Agenda item

Warren Lane Area, Leicester Forest East and Barry Drive/Maytree Drive Area, Kirby Muxloe - Traffic Calming Scheme.


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport concerning a proposed developer funded traffic calming scheme as part of the New Lubbesthorpe Sustainable Urban Extension in Blaby. A copy of the report, marked ‘7’, is filed with these minutes.


With the agreement of the Chairman, Mr Blunt CC and Mr Breckon CC addressed the Cabinet as the local members for Glenfields, Kirby Muxloe and Leicester Forests division.


Mr. Blunt said that there had been extensive engagement and consultation with the communities involved and the majority of respondents did not support the proposed scheme. He noted that the proposal put forward by local residents was not supported by the Council Highways Authority on safety grounds.


Mr. Breckon hoped that the Cabinet would agree not to implement the original proposals detailed in the report, and said that he and Mr. Blunt would welcome the opportunity to work with all parties to find a satisfactory solution.




a)    That the proposed traffic calming scheme for the Warren Lane area, Leicester Forest East and the Barry Drive/Maytree Drive area, Kirby Muxloe, as detailed at Appendix A and B of the report, not be implemented in accordance with the results of the consultation;


b)    That it be noted that the Council has received a petition proposing an alternative traffic calming scheme (as set out in Appendix C) which it cannot support based on safety concerns identified at paragraph 31 of the report;


c)    That every effort be made by the County Council as the Highways Authority to work with Blaby District Council, the developers and Parish Councils to agree on and deliver an alternative scheme that satisfies the planning requirements and timescales as set out in the Section 106 planning agreement.




The developers of the New Lubbesthorpe SUE development have a Section 106 planning obligation to deliver a traffic calming scheme (speed tables) which will help to prevent additional through traffic using the adjacent Leicester Forest East (Warren Lane) and Kirby Muxloe (Barry Drive/Maytree Drive) estates.


During the consultation, a petition of 111 signatures (and a number of separate responses) was received opposing the proposed traffic calming scheme and requesting an alternative scheme publicly attributed to Kirby Muxloe Parish Council, banning certain turning movements at the junction of Maytree Drive and the A47 Hinckley Road in order to discourage through traffic.


The two local members for the Glenfields, Kirby Muxloe and Leicester Forests division, Mr. Blunt and Mr. Breckon do not support the original proposals.


Supporting documents: