Agenda item

Summary of Emerging and Recurring Themes from the Scrutiny Process.


The Commission considered a report which summarised the key issues and recurring themes from consideration of the proposals for the development of a unitary structure for local government in Leicestershire by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 9e’ is filed with these minutes.


Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Chairman of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee drew attention to the fact that Harborough District Council and Blaby District Council allocated funding to Public Health, although it was not clear what this funding was spent on.  He also noted that the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered the unitary proposals prior to the publication of the NHS Ten Year Plan.  This might affect commissioning arrangements for some Public Health services.


Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Chairman of the Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee advised that most adult social care services were only provided by the County Council so the transition to a unitary authority would have limited impact.  More consideration needed to be given to services currently provided by district councils such as leisure and open spaces as it was not yet clear how these would fit into the new structure.


Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Chairman of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirmed that a unitary structure made sense for the Children and Families Service as a lot of its services were already delivered in localities.  This would continue to be the case in a unitary structure.  It was hoped that the savings that would be realised from the transition to a unitary structure could be invested in services such as children’s centres.


Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee


In the absence of the Chairman, members of the Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee advised that a countywide approach to services such as waste, car parking, street cleansing and environmental services would create consistency across the county.


Mr Bill CC asked for his concerns about the governance of planning, in particular major planning decisions being taken by the Planning Inspectorate rather than the local planning authority, to be placed on record.  He felt that it was difficult in this regard for local councillors to represent effectively the people who elected them.


In reference to point (xvi) in the Environment and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee minutes (page 204 of the report refers), Mr Boulter CC asked for it to be recorded that in his view the County Council did not have good records regarding grass cutting for the Oadby and Wigston area.


Role of Parish and Town Councils


Members then discussed the role of Parish and Town Council in a unitary structure of local government.  It was noted that they could take on additional services if they wished to do so but this would not be a requirement.  They would receive funding from the unitary authority where these services were in line with its policies and where they could deliver a better, more efficient service.  This point would be clarified in the business case.  It was suggested that, where legislation precluded Parish Councils from taking on services, the new unitary authority could lobby MPs and the Government to make changes in the law.


Officers confirmed that work to develop the devolution framework for Parish and town Council was being undertaken jointly with representatives from those Councils and more detail would be included in the business case.




(a)  That the report and information now provided be noted;


(b)  That the findings and views of the Scrutiny Commission be summarised in a report to be considered by the Commission at a future meeting and then submitted to the Cabinet;


(c)  That members of the Scrutiny Commission be asked to submit any further comments on the proposals for a unitary structure of local government for Leicestershire to the Scrutiny Commissioners for consideration.


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