The Committee considered a report of the Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland (LLR) Health and Social Care System regarding the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service run by Thames Ambulance Service Ltd (TASL) and the Care Quality Commission’s inspection report dated 13 February 2019 relating to TASL. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 11’, is filed with these minutes.
The Committee welcomed Mike Ryan, Director of Urgent and Emergency Care (Interim), LLR System, Derek Laird, Chief Executive of TASL, Kate Jerram, TASL Operational Manager, and Hayden Newton, Quality lead for TASL to the meeting for this item.
Arising from discussions the following points were noted:
(i) The TASL management team welcomed independent review of the organisation however it was of the view that the timing of the CQC inspection in October 2018 was unfortunate as many initiatives designed to improve performance were not yet imbedded. TASL had challenged the CQC’s findings and invited the CQC to conduct a re-inspection of the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service. The re-inspection was expected to take place in summer 2019 and was likely to include TASL operations in Leicestershire. It was clarified that whilst the results of the CQC inspection only related to Lincolnshire, the actions to improve performance as set out in the report for the Committee applied to Leicestershire as well.
(ii) Members had concerns that given the emphasis TASL placed on the Lincolnshire part of their operations, including deciding to base their training programme at Grimsby College, it did not give assurance that TASL performance in Leicestershire would be better than that in Lincolnshire. In response to those concerns reassurance was given that the Clinical Commissioning Group operated a quality team which monitored the performance of TASL in Leicestershire, carried out announced and unannounced inspections, took proactive action and ensured that services were safe, standards were met, and that any areas for improvement were addressed.
(iii) In response to a question as to how the patient experience with TASL was monitored, it was explained that a Patient Experience Team had been set up within TASL, the Head of which had recently been recruited. A review and appeal process for complaints had been agreed which included the option of referral to the CCG if the complainant wished to escalate the complaint that far. TASL agreed to provide Committee members with the results of a survey of friends and relatives of patients that used the non-emergency transport service and the analysis of themes and trends. TASL also invited Healthwatch to work with them on measuring and monitoring the patient experience.
(iv) The vehicles used by TASL already contained trackers so the location of the vehicle could be monitored, however new trackers were being installed which would also provide information on the speed of the vehicle and the performance of the driver in relation to safety.
(v) Deep cleaning of the vehicles occurred once every two weeks. During shifts ambulance staff were able, if required, to wipe down the interior of the vehicle and staff were also allocated 20 minutes at the end of the shift to clean the vehicles. If there was not time at the end of the shift to clean the vehicle then staff could notify the manager who would ensure that the vehicle was cleaned the next morning before it was used again.
(vi) The CQC report had identified that not all TASL staff had completed mandatory training so a training programme had been put in place which began in February 2019 and it was expected that by the end of March 2019 all staff would have completed their mandatory training.
(a) That the update on the Care Quality Commission’s inspection report of TASL be noted with concern, and the actions being taken to address the issues raised in the report be welcomed.
(b) That officers be requested to produce a report for a future Committee meeting on progress with the TASL action plan and the results of any future inspection by the Care Quality Commission.
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