Agenda item

Risk Management Report.

A presentation will be provided as part of this item on Corporate Risk 10.1 – The risk that not developing an inclusive culture across all schools, education providers and partner agencies (including the Parent Carer Forum) will impact on parental confidence in the ability of the ‘whole system’ to meet the needs of the large majority of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in a mainstream school context.


Members considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources, the purpose of which was to provide an overview of key risk areas and the measure being taken to address them.  The report also provided an update on the Risk Maturity Health Check and Counter Fraud.  A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 7’, is field with these Minutes.


As part of this item, members also received a presentation on Corporate risk 10.1 (the risk that not developing an inclusive culture across all schools, education providers and partner agencies (including the Parent Carer Forum) will impact on parental confidence in the ability of the ‘whole system’ to meet the needs of the large majority of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in a mainstream school context).   A copy of the presentation slides is filed with these minutes.


Arising from discussion, the following points arose –


Risk Presentation


i.              Members welcomed the tremendous work being undertaken and agreed that effective early SEND Support would be critical to prevent greater issues arising for a child as they progressed through school and approached adulthood. 

ii.            Most children with SEND were well supported within mainstream schools without the need for an Education, Health and Care Plan.

iii.           Often children with SEND faced issues at school and families could also face issues at home.  A whole family approach was therefore necessary to coordinate support from health, education and social care.

iv.           Improving the information provided to parents was important to ensure they could have confidence in the system and understand the role of the County Council and how this was independent of the responsibilities of individual schools.

v.            Greater involvement with parent carers through the Parent Carer Forum would inform future conversations about the design of Council policy and the services it and its partners provided to children with SEND.


Risk Register


vi.           The preliminary hearing scheduled for 23 May had been put back by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) and would now take place on 24 September (risk 5.1).  The three weeks set aside for the full hearing in February 2020 remained unchanged.

vii.          Members agreed that, given the information now presented in the report and Appendix A, the full Risk Register no longer needed to be circulated for every meeting.  However, it was suggested that this be circulated at least once a year and otherwise made available to Members upon request.

viii.        Members requested that a presentation be provided at its next meeting on corporate risk 1.7 (If the Council is not compliant with the HRMC IR35 regulations regarding the employment of self-employed personnel then there is a risk of large financial penalties).

ix.           Members welcomed the additional challenge proposed for risks listed on the register and the introduction of Action Plans to move risks towards their target scores, as well enable better performance monitoring.



(a)          That the current status of the strategic risks facing the County Council be approved;

(b)          That the content of the presentation provided on corporate risk 10.1 (The risk of not developing an inclusive culture across all schools, education providers and partner agencies (including the Parent Carer Forum) that will meet the needs of the large majority of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in a mainstream school context) be noted and the good work taking place in this area be supported;

(c)          That at the next meeting of the Committee a presentation be provided on corporate risk 1.7 (If the Council is not compliant with the HRMC IR35 regulations regarding the employment of self-employed personnel then there is a risk of large financial penalties);

(d)          That in future, a copy of the full Corporate Risk Register be circulated to the Committee for information and comment on an annual basis and otherwise be made available to members on request;

(e)          That the proposal set out in paragraph 7 of the report, to further challenge risks on the Corporate Risk Register in an attempt to move risks to their target score and potentially reduce the number reported on the Register, be supported;

(f)           That the final report provided by Risk Management Partners attached as Appendix C to the report be noted, and it be further noted that a more detailed update will be provided at the next meeting of the Committee;

(g)          That the update on counter fraud initiatives be noted.

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