Agenda item

Draft Youth Justice Strategic Plan.


The Commission considered a report of the Director of Children and Family Services which provided details of the draft Youth Justice Plan for 2019/20.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 9’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed the Cabinet Lead Member for Children, Families and Community Safety, Mr I D Ould CC to the meeting for this item.  Mr Ould suggested that the performance information contained within the report should provide reassurance to members that the service was effective.  He also welcomed the approach to Child Sexual Exploitation in Leicestershire, which was led by the Police.


Arising from discussion and questions the following points were raised:-


(i)    The Commission indicated its support for the Youth Offending Service and welcomed the good outcomes that it achieved.  However, the challenges faced by the service were also recognised.  With regard to Serious Organised Crime, that the key issue for the Youth Offending Service was young people in certain areas carrying knives to feel safe.  This was not widespread but was significant enough to be problematic.  A strong strategy to identify the young people involved was already in place.  Future developments included working with partners on a prevention strategy.


(ii)   It was important to provide support for young people released from custody and to ensure that they were in suitable accommodation.  The Commission was advised that the court would determine the use of custody, with background information provided by the Youth Offending Service.  The intensive support offer for vulnerable young people who were not placed in or were released from custody included up to 25 hours a week from one of the Integrated Rehabilitation and Intensive Support (IRIS) workers.  Warden control could also be available, depending on the accommodation.


(iii)  It was noted that the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service was only available to adults and suggested that this caused a gap in service provision.  However, the Commission was assured that a Children’s Psychiatric Nurse and a Clinical Psychologist now worked with the Youth Offending Service.  In addition, the County Council was working with Clinical Commissioning Groups to have trained staff in place to provide a wellbeing service for children and young people who did not meet the CAMHS threshold.  The Lead Member advised that he was comforted by these developments, which would give support to the most vulnerable.


(iv) The County Council had a statutory responsibility to ensure that children and young people had access to meaningful education or training.  This included those who had been excluded from school.  Conversations regarding inclusion were taking place with education providers; these included exploring why exclusions happened and providing challenge.


(v)  The Youth Offending Service was aware of the connection between drugs and crime.  It was important to recognise that young people involved in these types of crimes were being exploited, hence the Police focus had shifted to Serious Organised Crime.  The Youth Offending Service aimed to prevent young people from getting into such environments in the first place, including through challenging school exclusions.  The strong police and partnership approach was welcomed and it was suggested that Community Safety Partnerships could become more involved in promoting community cohesion.


(vi) It was noted that the format of the report was prescribed by the Youth Justice Board, although it was expected that it would be revised later in the year.  Officers undertook to suggest that the revised format should include some flexibility around the assessment of risk.  Officers also agreed to include case studies in the covering report in future years.




(a)  That the Youth Justice Plan 201920 be supported;


(b)  That the comments now made be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 25 June.


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