Agenda item

Overview of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Developments.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Children and Family Services which provided an update on the development of new SEND provisions as part of the High Needs Block Development Plan and the results of the associated recent public consultation.  The strategic direction for SEN and Disability Services over the next three years was also detailed, along with an update on the provision of short break services to families where a child had a disability.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 11’ is filed with these minutes.


Arising from the discussion, the following comments were made:


i)             It was reported that the 2018/19 year end budget position for the High Needs Block was an overspend of £2.3m, which was in line with, or lower than, a number of areas throughout the country.  The department had been able to use reserves and some underspend within the Dedicated Schools Grant to offset the overspend.  In response to a query, it was stated that the High Needs Block Development Plan was set out as a four-to-five year programme to address the overspend.  It was anticipated that there would be an increase in expenditure for the next three years before a reduction would begin to be seen in 2022/23.  The projection for achieving a balanced budget would depend on a number of factors, but it was expected to be realised in the 2024/25 financial year.


ii)            A comment was made that the number of responses to the consultation appeared to be low.  All Leicestershire schools had been written to, along with parents/ carers of pupils with an EHCP and associated parties, but respondents had generally been those with a specific interest in the development of a new SEND provision.  In general, the department was pleased with the quality of responses and discussions with interested groups, such as the Parent Carer Forum, had continued to take place once the consultation period had ended.  Assurance was given that the appropriate provision would be in place by September.


iii)           The consultation had highlighted some concerns, for example the size of classes within the specialist units.  However, it was stated that class sizes would be restricted to no more than ten young people.  The new SEND provision was also expected to support children and young people to access both specialist and mainstream provision.


iv)           The department had performed well in the conversion of statements of special educational need to EHCPs and was now seeking to ensure that a holistic approach was taken to casework.  There had been a significant increase in the number of cases, and as a result resources within the SEN Assessment Service had been increased.  It was hoped that families would be allocated a caseworker (as was already the case) and that there would be more capacity for the caseworker to have a dialogue with partners such as schools to ensure the best outcome for the child was achieved.


v)            It was acknowledged that Leicestershire was one of the lowest funded authorities in the country, and there was concern that a continued increase in numbers of EHCPs would not be sustainable without additional funding.  This could also make it more difficult to achieve a balanced budget.  It was noted that there was a national recognition of the pressures around the High Needs Block; locally the High Needs Development Plan had been developed to mitigate these risks.  Although financial pressures continued to increase, the service remained committed to supporting children in the best way, and this included looking at how to reduce the cost of children in SEND provision and supporting schools to intervene earlier to reduce the reliance on EHCPs.


vi)           Work had been undertaken around the provision of short break services to families where a child had a disability, and although the changes appeared to be positive, the Committee agreed that it would be useful to receive a specific report on this work at a future meeting, in particular the development of a new criteria.




a)    That the report be noted;


b)    That the Committee receives a report to a future meeting on the provision of short break services to families where a child has a disability.

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