The Committee considered a joint report of the Director of
Adults and Communities, the Director of Public Health and the Director of
Children and Family Services, which provided an update on the progress made in the
delivery of the Joint Carers’ Strategy 2018-21, Implementation Plan and
priorities over the next 12 months. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 9’
is filed with these minutes.
The Chairman welcomed Mrs Hack, Spokesperson of the Health
Overview and Scrutiny Committee to the meeting for this item.
Arising from the discussion, the following comments were raised:
i) With regard to other Leicestershire organisations and District Councils signing up to the Employers for Carers’ Scheme, it was confirmed that this was a voluntary process but that the County Council was encouraging as many organisations as possible to take part. The Director undertook outside of the meeting to provide the Committee with details of the organisations that had already signed up to the Scheme and information on how it was promoted.
ii) It was suggested that it would be helpful for a timescale to be provided for actions which were still to be developed. Assurance was provided that actions were progressing in line with the three-year period that had been set to deliver the Strategy. A Lead Commissioner had recently been appointed to the Department to lead on the Carers’ Strategy work and would be instrumental in driving this forward. It was also highlighted that the information on implementation contained within the report was only an outline of the associated actions as opposed to the full-scale plan, which contained a much higher level of detail.
iii) A proportion of the funding used to support carers’ services was provided through the Improved Better Care Fund (IBCF), which was non-recurrent and due to end in March 2020. In response to a question around future funds and the continuation of support for carers, the Director responded that the use of temporary funding was always a concern and that the Council was awaiting direction from the government with regard to longer term funding. However, it would continue to invest in support for carers which was key to keeping pace with demand.
iv) The Committee was reminded that the NHS was a partner in delivering the Carers’ Strategy and Implementation Plan and would focus on work to ensure the health and wellbeing of carers. Actions assigned to the Clinical Commissioning Groups included the role of primary care in providing the right information and advice and social prescribing. Aggregated data was not collected regarding the overall health of carers; however, this would be known at individual care plan level. It was recognised that the majority of carers were older people and likely to have long term conditions of their own. Supporting carers in these circumstances was a matter for GPs who would need to plan any admission or discharge from hospital for the carer to take account of their caring responsibilities. It was noted that discussions were taking place with the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust to develop a support pack for carers whilst in hospital and upon discharge; officers would see if this could be expedited.
v) The County Council commissioned a service to support young carers from Barnardo's. The majority of activity was delivered through this service. There was also a transition process in place to support young carers to become adult carers. Officers undertook to provide the Committee clarity regarding the coverage of the County Council’s service offer and that of Barnardo’s.
vi) Where it was recognised that carers would benefit from financial and benefits advice, they would be signposted to the appropriate organisation. A carers support service was commissioned from the voluntary sector which could assist members in navigating the system and filling forms in. The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Carers Delivery Group would also be undertaking an audit of information, advice and guidance to ensure that there was consistency across the public sector.
vii) Where carers were themselves vulnerable, or a number of people in the same household required care from a variety of family members, a joint assessment which looked at the needs of multiple parties would be carried out.
(a) That the progress made in the
delivery of the Joint Carers’ Strategy 2018-21 be noted and that the Committee
continue to receive regular updates;
(b) That Officers be requested to
provide members of the Committee with details of the organisations signed up to
the Employers Scheme, and how this is encouraged, for information;
(c) That Officers be requested to
provide members of the Committee with details of the coverage of the group work
offer for young carers and the scope of the service provided by Barnardo’s for
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