Agenda item

Potential Strategic Development Area - M69 Junction 2.


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources concerning a potential development of a Strategic Development Area (SDA) adjacent to the M69 Junction 2, to the west of Stoney Stanton and Sapcote. The report sought the Cabinet’s approval for an initial approach for the County Council as both a landowner and key infrastructure partner.


Members noted the comments of the local member Mrs. A. Wright. CC and Mr D. C. Bill. MBE CC, copies of which are filed with these minutes.


With the agreement of the Leader, Mrs. Wright CC addressed the Cabinet.


Mrs. Wright said that many of her constituents were already concerned about the proposed National Rail Freight Interchange application in the area, and these concerns had been compounded by the publication of the initial plans for an SDA.


Mrs Wright said that it was recognised that whilst the County Council’s proposals would be subject to Blaby District Council’s Local Plan process and normal local planning procedures would apply, including the necessary consultation, this would take place at a much later date and residents would welcome the opportunity to express their views at an earlier stage. There was particular concerns, for example, regarding areas of separation between villages and loss of green wedges. She suggested that County Council officers engage on a regular formal basis to ensure that the relevant parish, district and county representatives were kept informed.


The Director of Corporate Resources explained that the County Council, along with other land owners in the Blaby District, had responded to a call for sites to help the District Council understand the availability of strategic housing land across the district and shape its revised Local Plan. Plans for a potential development at this particular site were at a very early stage and would be subject to detailed consultation and engagement with residents, parish councils and other stakeholders as proposals emerged.


Mr Rhodes said that the County Council’s involvement would ensure any future development followed a well thought out approach, and in full consultation with the relevant parties. He added that it was up to Blaby District Council to decide whether to include the area in their roll forward of their Local Plan.




a)    That the Council’s land situated to the west of Stoney Stanton submitted to the Call for Sites Consultation (identified on the plan appended to the report) be promoted as part of the proposed Strategic Development Area (SDA) for inclusion in the future Blaby District Local Plan;


b)    That the Director of Corporate Resources


                           i.        enter into discussions with other landowners to assess the best way to achieve delivery of the SDA and in particular the land assembly that will be required to support this as set out in paragraphs 30-36 of the report;


                          ii.        in collaboration with the Director of Environment and Transport and the Chief Executive, formulate an approach for the Council to promote and deliver the proposed SDA taking account of the resources this will require and balanced against existing and future planned growth projects and demands on the Council’s resources;


c)    That a further report be submitted to the Cabinet on 22 November 2019 detailing the outcome of the work undertaken in (b) above and recommending a proposed approach to development of the SDA.






To further the inclusion of the County Council’s land within the proposed SDA and the inclusion of the SDA within the future Blaby District Local Plan thereby maximising the benefits to the Authority and protecting both its property and the wider interests in the area.


To enable the development of a structured framework on which to base the ongoing promotion of the County Council’s land interests, to set out the extent of its planned involvement in both its promotion and development and to facilitate cooperation and ongoing discussions with potential landowner and developer partners on how best to take this forward.


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