Agenda item

Hinckley Zone 4: Rugby Road and Town Centre Improvements.


The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport regarding the outcome of the consultation on Hinckley Zone 4: Rugby Road and Town Centre Improvement Scheme and seeking approval to implement the amended scheme. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda item 7’, is filed with these minutes.


Members noted submissions from Mr. Stuart Bray CC and also from Mr. David Bill MBE CC presenting comments from District Councillors from Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council, a copy of which is filed with these minutes.


Members were informed that, in response to the consultation, the proposals for the Hawley Road junction had been amended and the residents’ parking scheme now proposed including a greater number of roads, to be the subject of separate consultation.


Mr Pain CC commended the Highways Officers who had engaged with the Borough Council on the issue.




a)          That the outcome of the public consultation on the proposed Hinckley Zone 4: Rugby Road and Town Centre Improvements and the amendments to the scheme developed in response be noted;


b)          That the amended scheme as detailed in the report and Appendices B1-9 and C1-2 be approved;


c)          That the Director of Environment and Transport, following consultation with the Director of Corporate Resources and the Cabinet Lead Members for Highways and Transportation and Corporate Resources, be authorised to undertake the necessary processes to deliver the scheme, including, but not limited to, the acquisition of land, entering into a construction contract and introducing appropriate changes to traffic regulation orders (noting that any Compulsory Purchase Orders would need to be the subject of appropriate authorisation);


d)          That the Director of Environment and Transport following consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Highways and Transportation be authorised to make minor changes to the scheme as appropriate through the delivery process.




A public consultation was undertaken, the responses to which have been considered by the Environment and Transport Department in proposing the revised scheme. The consultation showed support for the scheme’s objectives and several amendments have been made to reflect the main concerns and comments raised.


The scheme is part of a package of works designed to support growth and economic performance in Hinckley. It will provide a range of benefits including improving journey times, better air quality, pedestrian and cyclist facilities, along with reducing congestion and delays along the Rugby Road corridor.


Authorising the Director of Environment and Transport to take all the necessary action to progress the scheme, and to make minor changes if need be, will help ensure the work is done efficiently and completed within the planned timescales.


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