The following questions, received under Standing Order 34, were put to the Chairman of the Scrutiny Commission:
Questions asked by Mr John Marriott on behalf of the
Campaign to Protect Rural England
In response to a question at the Environment and Transport
Scrutiny meeting in March 2019, Mr Pearson acknowledged that
"there is an increasing urgency for action to avoid the worst
impacts of climate change and that this needs to be achieved through the
achievement of carbon neutrality in the quickest time possible"
and that it was
to set on record that the County Council is committed to taking actions aimed
at reducing the worst impact of climate change."
He noted that
"We will
however continue to take action to meet and exceed where possible the
commitments and targets set out in our Environment Strategy."
"We take
our leadership role seriously and seek to build on the global and national commitments
made to address the situation by working with partners to take action in
Inter alia, one of the actions was
with the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership and other partners
to identify how we can work together to move Leicestershire towards a low
carbon energy and transport future.
In May 2019 the County Council declared a Climate Emergency
and in September the Cabinet agreed to Review its Environment Strategy and
Action Plan. One of the key actions was to "consider how best to engage
with Communities, businesses and other stakeholders."
In September 2019, in response to a question from CPRE
Leicestershire, the Council acknowledged that "the private car would be
likely to remain the dominant mode of travel." It was claimed that the SGP
was predicted to have a minor positive effect overall on Climate Change,
although there appears to be no evidence to support this statement.
The joint Leicestershire / Leicester City "Strategic
Transport Policies" document has been approved for consultation, however
it does not seem to appear on the City Council's web site. This is an extremely
simplistic and vague document which lacks any supporting information. It fails
to explain how the policies will accommodate additional development or show
that it will achieve an acceptable transport and environmental solution. It
follows the Strategic Growth Plan in assuming that new road projects, and other
proposals to increase highway capacity significantly, are essential. These
views appear to reflect the views of bodies like LLEP, Midlands Engine and a
small group of 'stakeholders" with mainly business interests.
On the 5th March 2020 the Environment and Transport Scrutiny
Committee was due to consider a Revised Environment Strategy (RES) 2018-2030
prior to it being presented to Cabinet on 28 April 2020 and to County Council
on 13 May 2020. The RES refers to the County Council's declaration of Climate
Emergency and to its commitment to support the limiting of global warming to
less than 1.5°C, in line with the Paris Agreement.
The declaration also requested officers to undertake a
review of the aspects of the RES necessary to achieve the carbon neutrality by
2030 aspiration, together with an assessment of the cost and technology
The Scrutiny report for RES notes (para 12) that wider
‘local authority influenced’ emissions for Leicestershire includes emissions
from the Housing, Transport, Agriculture and Industry sectors. It points out
that this will include "Vehicles driving through and within the
county". In para 13 & 14 it notes that LCC internal emissions are
essentially trivial compared to those which it could influence. Transport is
recognised as being a major contributor and potentially the most difficult to
The recent decision regarding Heathrow Airport and the
Government's commitment to the Paris Agreement, makes it even more obvious that
an urgent review must be carried out of the SGP and transport policies to
produce a sustainable solution to meet Climate Change Commitments while
improving the wellbeing of Leicestershire people and minimising the impact on
the County's wider environment.
CPRE Leicestershire asks:
1. What discussions has the County Council
had with the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership and other
partners to identify how it can work together to move Leicestershire towards a
low carbon energy and transport future?
2. What progress has been made on engaging
with the wider community and interested organisations;
3. Is the County Council aware of
Leicester City Council actions in regard to engaging
with the wider community, business and organisations concerned with Climate
Change and environmental issues?
4. Has the County Council had any
discussions with the City Council or other organisations with
regard to utilising the Bus Act 2017 to create a much more integrated
public transport system for Leicester & Leicestershire?
5. What are the County Council’s plans for
engagement in 2020 with organisations concerned with environmental and
sustainability issues? Business and the wider community?
CPRE Leicestershire is ready to engage with the County
Council and is aware that other organisations also wish to engage.
Response from the Chairman:
The report that went to Environment and Transport Overview
and Scrutiny Committee on 5 March 2020 explained the County Council’s approach to
taking forward action on the commitments made in the Climate Emergency
declaration. Leicestershire County Council will be developing actions in two
tranches. Tranche 1 (which was included in the papers to the Environment and
Transport Overview Scrutiny Committee) deals with the council’s own ‘measured
emissions’ (those which we report to the Government) while Tranche 2 will deal
with the council’s ‘unmeasured emissions’ (those emissions which we don’t have
to report on or are difficult or impossible to measure) and the wider emissions
of Leicestershire. Therefore, to date the majority of
effort has been focussed on revising the Environment Strategy and Action Plan
and in producing the Carbon Reduction Roadmap for the Tranche 1 emissions. Leicestershire County Council is now in the
process of starting work on the Tranche 2 roadmap and it is in doing this that
we will start examining, considering and taking action
on those areas picked up in many of the questions below.
1. The County Council has worked with the
Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) and Leicester City
Council to produce an Energy Infrastructure Strategy for the LLEP area which
has made a range of recommendations for how emissions from energy and transport
could be reduced. These recommendations have been included with the draft Local
Industrial Strategy (LIS). We have contributed to the environmental evidence
base that is informing the development of the LIS. We are also working with the
LLEP to develop a Natural Capital Investment Plan which will support the LIS.
We are participating in a Working Group that has been set up by the LLEP to
explore electric vehicles (EV) and EV Infrastructure solutions and a second
Working Group that will explore solutions in relation to the use of biofuels.
2. As explained above this will be
considered as part of developing the Tranche 2 Carbon Reduction Roadmap. Some
initial work has taken place on undertaking some Stakeholder Mapping which will
inform what organisations should / could be engaged with.
3. The County Council is aware and has had
some discussions with the City Council on this and plans to have further
discussions. Their experience will be taken into account
when engaging with stakeholders on the environment.
4. The Bus Bill was welcomed by
Leicestershire County Council on its enactment as it removed many of the
barriers to creating integrated sustainable passenger transport networks across
wider areas, and the authorities discussed and explored the potential
opportunities offered by the Bus Services Act. However, the realities and cost
implications of implementing transport integration from mechanisms such as
Franchising or Enhanced Partnerships are prohibitive without the additional
support of long-term financial settlements from Government, particularly
revenue. To date this remains one of the main barriers to realistically
allowing better utilisation of the Bus Services Act 2017 to create more
integrated passenger transport networks, and the County Council will continue
to press Government to deliver long term funding settlements.
The above notwithstanding, we engage
with the City Council and key stakeholders on an ongoing basis within our
current working framework with the aim of improving and better integrating
sustainable passenger transport provision in Leicestershire, which is to
promote, encourage and enable use of more sustainable modes of travel over
single occupancy car use.
For example, through our working
partnership with the City Council on their Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) bid a
bus alliance is being explored to integrate transport provision better, the
objectives of which include; improving local air quality, reducing congestion
through modal shift and improving commercial viability of the bus network. A notable
element of this TCF bid is the electrification of Park and Ride bus services,
which are jointly funded between both authorities, which will reduce carbon
emissions delivering air quality benefits. (This builds on previous joint
working, including to deliver bus service improvements along the A426
We are also in the process of
developing the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Transport Priorities
(LLSTP), in partnership with Leicester City Council, which highlights where the
two Local Transport Authorities will work together to deliver common transport
aims and objectives to support the development of the Leicester and
Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan out to 2050. The principal aims of the
LLSTP are to:
Improve connectivity;
Support the transition to a low carbon and circular economy;
Support national and international efforts in combatting the
impacts of and adapting to climate change;
The LLSTP is currently out to public
consultation and the key documents can be found at: https://www.leicestershire.gov.uk/have-your-say/current-consultations/leicester-and-leicestershire-strategic-transport-priorities
The County Council continues to seek to
identify opportunities to utilise better the mechanisms of the Bus Service Act
2017 with relevant partners within the funding constraints is it working
5. Plans are being developed. It is too
early to give details of what this may look like, but the intention is to
engage with key stakeholders and the wider community.
Mr Marriott asked a supplementary
question on the response to question 4, to the effect that the Leicester and
Leicestershire Strategic Transport Priorities focused on seeking large amounts
of infrastructure funding to build more roads.
It did not address what could be done to reduce traffic and improve public
transport. He queried whether an
estimate had been made of how much that would have?
At the invitation of the Chairman, the
Director of Environment and Transport responded to the effect that the County
Council had been successful to date in attracting funding to influence
behavioural change, for example through the use of
buses, cycling and walking. It was hoped
that the Government’s new Bus Strategy would provide an opportunity to do more
of this. The County Council also looked
for opportunities to promote sustainable transport through its new road
schemes. Estimates of the impact of
sustainable travel schemes would be worked up once the Council knew what
funding was likely to be available from the Government.
The Director of Environment and
Transport also confirmed that the Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Transport
Priorities were currently out for consultation.
The City and County Councils were taking different engagement approaches
but if comments relating to the City were made to the County Council, they
would be discussed with the City Council and taken into