The Cabinet
considered a joint report of the Chief Executive, Director of Corporate
Resources and Director of Environment and Transport which advised of officers’
concerns that Melton Borough Council had not undertaken the necessary work on
masterplanning in the Borough, which intensified the financial risk to the
County Council in accepting a grant and in building the southern section of the
Melton Mowbray Distributor Road (MMDR). A copy of the report and the
supplementary report, marked ‘Agenda item 8’, is filed with these minutes.
The Director of
Corporate Resources explained that the financial risk to the County Council
needed to be set in the context of the wider development of infrastructure by
the County Council across Leicestershire which would total over £600m over the
next 15 years. There was a particular financial risk to the County Council in
building the southern section of the MMDR, for which only 20% of the £70m
estimated cost would be funded by the Housing Infrastructure Fund Grant. Proceeding with this therefore currently
relied on the County Council forward-funding £56m with no indication as to how
or when it would be recouped.
Mr. Rhodes CC noted
that the MMDR was a key element of Melton Borough Council’s Local Plan and
expressed his keen disappointment at its failure to do the masterplanning work
needed to provide financial assurance to the County Council in delivering the
southern section.
Mr. Rushton CC
added that in such economically unstable times, it was even more essential that
Melton Borough Council had the appropriate plans in place to reassure the
County Council considering the level of financial risk.
That the financial risk to the County
Council of having to forward fund £100m on current estimates to allow the
northern/eastern and southern sections of the Melton Mowbray Distributor Road
to be constructed, be noted;
That it be noted that:
(i) this
position has regrettably been exacerbated by Melton Borough Council having no
comprehensive masterplan, including a phasing and delivery plan, for either the
Northern or Southern Sustainable Neighbourhoods as required by the Melton Local
Plan, including key transport links within and outside the developments,
linking to the town of Melton Mowbray and other housing and employment areas;
(ii) without
these masterplans and a process to produce them not having been undertaken in
line with the Local Plan, there is too much uncertainty about development in
Melton for the County Council to commit to forward fund the cost of the
southern section of the Melton Mowbray Distributor Road at a time of increasing
financial uncertainty;
That Melton Borough Council and Homes
England accordingly be advised that in the absence of masterplans which meet
the requirements of the adopted Melton Local Plan and no assurance that Melton
Borough Council is close to completing such plans after a required process of
consultation with all stakeholders, the County Council is unable at this time
to accept the grant aid offer from Government towards the cost of the southern
section of the Melton Mowbray Distributor Road;
That the Department for Transport be
advised that the County Council remains committed to progressing further the
northern and eastern legs of the Distributor Road;
That an offer be made to Melton Borough
Council for the County Council to undertake at its expense a fresh
masterplanning exercise on the understanding that the Borough Council will cooperate
fully and the outcomes of the exercise, to be concluded as quickly as possible,
will be subject to the approval of both councils;
That it is important to note in this
context that the County Council has to date invested circa £5m in support of the
Melton Mowbray Distributor Road and the Melton Mowbray Transport Strategy; has
allocated £16m towards the construction of the northern and eastern legs of the
Distributor Road; and is prepared to allocate £13m towards the construction of
the southern leg if recommendation (e) is accepted by Melton Borough Council;
That the offer in (e) above be made to
Melton Borough Council so that the County Council can accept the Housing
Infrastructure Fund bid for the southern section of the Distributor Road; and
that Melton Borough Council be informed of the County Council’s intention to
give an answer to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and
Homes England on the grant aid offer for the southern section of the
Distributor Road by 31 May 2020 at the latest.
The escalated
financial risk to the County Council of accepting the Housing Infrastructure
Fund grant offer is not acceptable given the inadequate approach to
masterplanning by Melton Borough Council.
Supporting documents: