Agenda item

Annual Delivery Report and Performance Compendium 2020


The Commission considered a report of the Chief Executive which presented the draft Annual Delivery Report and Performance Compendium for 2020 and also set out the Council’s performance so far this year, taking account of the impacts of Covid-19.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 9’ is filed with these minutes. 


Arising from discussion and questions asked, the following points were made:


(i)          The Commission welcomed the broader approach taken to the Annual Delivery Report with the inclusion of wider information on comparative funding, service pressures and risks, as well as wider performance data in the Compendium.

(ii)         A member questioned current reliance on EU funding, namely the European Social Fund, which underpinned delivery in a number of areas including skills and inclusion work.  It was noted that it was not yet clear how these areas would be carried forward and what funding streams might be introduced by the Government post-Brexit.   Reference was made to the Government’s proposed new national Shared Prosperity Fund and a member requested that further information on this be shared once this became available.

(iii)       It was noted with concern that the Government’s Fair Funding Review had been delayed and that the County Council therefore continued to be the lowest funded county authority in the country.  Members highlighted that the Council and Leicestershire residents suffered a wide and unfair funding gap compared to other authorities particularly, but not just, the London Boroughs.   Despite its low funding position, however, Members welcomed the achievement of the Council noting that its performance when compared against its statistical neighbours remained high.  Members thanked staff that had continued to deliver services to such a high standard even during the Covid 19 pandemic.

(iv)       The Commission welcomed the work being undertaken to provide more average speed cameras across the County but agreed that the Treasury should continue to be pressed to enable local authorities to keep the proceeds arising from such cameras to support road safety schemes. 

(v)        The importance of tackling obesity was highlighted, particularly in children, and it was agreed this was a much broader issue than just a physical activity offer.  The role played by schools was emphasised.  

(vi)       A Member highlighted that homelessness provision seemed to be focused in Loughborough and suggested that consideration should be given to improving provision in the south of the County.

(vii)     It was questioned whether the comparative data showed two tier or unitary authorities to be performing better.  Members noted that the performance data for unitary counties needed to be carefully interpreted, due to the impact of demographic factors on outcomes, as a number of unitary counties were achieving higher performance than their demographic levels would suggest.  The Commission said it would welcome clarity on the latest position with regard to the submission of unitary proposals for Leicestershire, once the Government’s position was made clear. 

(viii)    The need for continued transformation was noted and the importance of projects such as the recent Adult Social Care Target Operating Model.  The support given by the Transformation Unit in enabling change across the Authority was welcomed, though concern was expressed about the additional use of consultants and whether this offered value for money.  It was agreed that this would be something that required close monitoring.  However, Members noted that the Adults and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee had recently received a detailed report on the outcomes delivered by the TOM and that that Committee had been pleased to see the outcomes and cost reductions delivered by the project which far outweighed the cost of appointing consultants to support this.

(ix)       Members sought further information on the criteria used by the County Council when considering applications for a business recovery grant which the County Council had introduced to support local businesses affected by the Covid 19 pandemic and sought assurance that this had been primarily allocated to businesses that were not receiving help from other sources.

(x)        The importance of country parks and green spaces was highlighted, something that had been particularly evident during the pandemic.  Whilst investment in such parks was important and benefited residents beyond the area where they were located, it was suggested that work should continue to ensure facilities in other areas were also considered, particularly those which might have less access to current facilities.




(a)  That the comments now made be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration at its meeting on 20th November 2020.

(b)  That details of the County Council’s criteria for considering recovery business grant applications be provided to Commission members and assurance sought that such funds were primarily allocated to businesses which were not received support from other sources.



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