The Board considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport, a copy of which, marked ‘Agenda Item 7’, is filed with these minutes. The Director clarified that there was a typographical error in paragraph 20(1) of the report in that the words “In this case the relevant period dates back 20 years from 2003 when the route was blocked by two padlocked gates” had no relevance to this application and should have been omitted.
The Board was also in receipt of a supplementary report which responded to representations submitted on behalf of the landowners Mr & Mrs Robinson of Wrenbury Farm.
In accordance with the procedures for making representations to the Board Craig Mitchell spoke on behalf of Mr & Mrs Robinson who were objecting to the application, Bill Glasper (Great Glen Parish Council) and Doug Jackson (local resident) spoke as supporters of the application and Mick Burton (Great Glen) spoke as the applicant.
Members asked the Director of Environment and Transport to consider whether landowners in Leicestershire could be communicated with to make them aware of their rights and responsibilities under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1991.
That a Definitive Map Modification Order should be made adding Footpaths C109 and C109a at Glen Oaks Spinney, Great Glen as shown on Plan No. M1134-C to the Definitive Map and Statement as public footpaths.
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