Agenda item

Final Report of the Scrutiny Review Panel on Flooding.


The Committee considered a report of the Flooding Scrutiny Review Panel. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed with these minutes.  


Mrs. M. Wright CC Chairman of the Scrutiny Review Panel introduced the report. She advised members that the Panel had been established following significant flooding events in October and November 2019. The purpose of review was to consider the role of the Council as Lead Local Flood Authority and its partnership working with flood risk management authorities.  


Arising from the discussion the following points were noted:- 


       i.Flooding can have devastating effects on residents’ lives which could leave them away from their home for an unspecified time in the aftermath. Flooding events often came at unpredictable times in unforeseen places, the Council needed to ensure that communications reflected this and that residents were aware and informed of potential flood risk.  It was evident that those who had never experienced a flood were often at risk of experiencing the most severe  impact. 


     ii.The Environment Agency operated a 24/7 Floodline and provided a service  that allowed residents to  find out whether they were within a flood zone, and any warnings. Members were asked to encourage their  residents  to sign up for the Service. 


    iii.Members felt it was important that the Authority looked to make partners accountable to residents in completion of actions arising from Section 19 investigations. 


    iv.The Flood Risk Management Team had experienced staffing shortages due to the high demand on the skill set required which resulted in high turnover. During the review Members had been pleased to note that recruitment was ongoing and that support from external consultants had reduced in more recent months as a result.  


     v.The Flood Risk Management Team were completing detailed Section-19 Investigations into the causes of flooding in Stoney Stanton and Cossington. Final modelling work was still to be completed before final conclusions could be reached. Local Members would be kept informed as the matters progressed. 


    vi.Local planning authorities were responsible for approving any new developments and taking any comments from Leicestershire County Council, as Lead Local Flood Authority, on board. In this regard it was noted that  only planning authorities could enforce mitigating measures and ensure developments were up to the agreed standard as approved. 


  vii.The Committee was of the view that that the  Government needed to do more to require flood mitigation measures be built as standard on houses built on flood plains as LPA’s could only work to  national regulations. The County Council could not influence such measures.  


 viii.Mr Harrison CC emphasised the role Members could play as Community Champions setting out the positive experience within Appleby Magna where the community had stepped up and worked together with partners to put mitigating measures in place. 


    ix.Members further agreed it was important that parishes and residents looked at their own risk and looked to build resilience within their communities through initiatives such as the Volunteer Flood Warden scheme.  


In conclusion Mr B. Pain CC, Deputy Leader, stated that while the Water Management Act assigned the Council the role of Lead Local Flood Authority, it had no enforcement powers and current legislation did not provide the Authority with the ability to compel risk management authorities to take action, even when identified as part of Section-19 Investigations.  


Members thanked the Scrutiny Review Panel for their detailed report on the matter and looked forward to receiving a progress report in the coming months, following approval from Cabinet. 





a.     That the report be recommended for consideration by Cabinet on 5 February 2021. 


b.     That Cabinet be asked to make representations to Government to strengthen the legislation to enable the County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority to require relevant agencies to complete mitigating measures arising from Section 19 reports. 


c.     That the annual progress report to Committee setting out how many agencies have committed to actions within Section 19 reports. 



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