Agenda item

Provision of Short Breaks and Supported Living Services.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adults and Communities, the purpose of which was to seek the Committee’s view on the future use of the Trees Residential Care Home in Hinckley, and the proposed development of the site at Cropston Drive in Coalville, in advance of consultation and engagement with those who accessed services on these sites.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 8’, is filed with these minutes.


The Director in presenting the report advised the Committee of comments received from Mr M Wyatt CC as the local member for Coalville South.  He reported that overall, Mr Wyatt had confirmed his support for the proposals but had asked that if development plans at the Cropston Drive site were to be less intensive, consideration be given to making appropriate use of the land space around the development, the effects to the borders and the local neighbourhood, and to ensuring adequate screening around the site by the planting of additional trees.


The Chairman highlighted that comments had also been received from Dr T Eynon CC as the local member for Coalville North, a copy of which had been circulated to Members and is filed with these minutes.  In response the Director confirmed the following:


(i)      If the re-development of the Cropston Drive site was no longer required a small number of existing short breaks’ service users in North West Leicestershire could be affected by increased travel to a new location, but the consultation process would provide an opportunity for those needs and the views of those service users and their families to be formally considered and their feedback would be used to inform future service proposals and development plans.


(ii)    Newer purpose-built units for short breaks including the newly refurbished units at the Trees Residential Care Home in Hinckley tended to provide better occupancy as the designs were often better suited to service user’s needs. Occupancy levels for Short Breaks’ services across the County were currently between 60-80% and the levels mainly depended on the individuals who resided in the Short Breaks’ units and their space and support requirements.


(iii)   It was anticipated that any developments to Transforming Care (TC) services would require a joint approach between Health and Care. The Council and the NHS shared a trajectory to ensure good coordination of TC services to help provide people with the right accommodation and support in accordance with their needs. The Department had a directory of people seeking to move from educational or hospital accommodation into supported living arrangements.  Whilst there had been a number of successes with people transitioning between these different types of living arrangements it was recognised that even with support, gaining a tenancy and taking on the responsibilities of community living could be a significant change for some and this would need factoring into any plans to re-develop TC services. Members noted that evidence had showed that people transitioning to a TC step through facility were more likely to remain and thrive in the community in the long-term.


Arising from discussion the following points arose:


(iv)   As part of the last short breaks services review in 2018 detailed analysis had been undertaken to consider the positioning of facilities across the County and the length of journeys service users would be required to undertake to reach these. It was the intention that a similar exercise would be undertaken again as part of this process and service arrangements and user requirements would be explored to ensure that facilities could be fully utilised, and occupancy maximised based on the needs of those eligible for this type of support.


(v)    The Lead Member emphasised that the former residents of the Trees Residential Care Home had always had the option to return to the Home once refurbished but had instead chosen to remain in their alternative accommodation. Service user choice would continue to be key in determining the future use of the Trees facility and also the Cropston Drive site (where there was now an option to have a less intensive development). The outcomes of the consultation with service users, including mapping to ensure adequate provision of short breaks’ facilities across the County, would be crucial in this regard.


(vi)   The Committee welcomed and supported consultation and engagement on the proposals and noted that a further update would be provided on the outcomes of the consultation and the final proposals in due course.  The Committee requested that the Director consider the comments made by the local members as part of the consultation process. 




(a)    That proposals for the future use of the Trees Residential Care Home in Hinckley, and development of the site at Cropston Drive in Coalville be noted and the planned consultation and engagement on those proposals welcomed and supported.


(b)    That the comments submitted by local members be noted and welcomed and the Director requested to consider these as part of the consultation process.


(c)    That the comments now made by the Committee on the future proposals for the provision of short breaks and supported living services be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration.

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