Agenda item

Road Casualty Reduction in Leicestershire 2019-2020.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport which provided an update on road casualty statistics for 2019/2020 and Leicestershire‘s approach to casualty reduction. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed with the minutes.


The Committee welcomed Graham Compton from Leicestershire Police to the meeting who highlighted key points within the appended Police Road Safety Report.


Members were concerned regarding the increased traffic accidents and speeding complaints received during the year that appeared to be as a result of the pandemic. Mr Compton confirmed that the Road Safety Partnership were looking at the 2020 figures but as yet were not able to draw concrete conclusions. The Police and the County Council were aware that similar patterns were being considered nationally by the Department for Transport. The Road Safety Partnership would look to take any appropriate actions in response to incidents of speeding and members were encouraged to share the Neighbourhood Link ( with their constituents to enable them to submit policing, traffic and speed comments or concerns for their local area.


The Lead Member for Highways and Transportation assured the Committee that the County Council continued to work with the Police and local communities through schemes such as Community Speed Watch and Speed Enforcement Initiatives. Due to the Council’s limited resource and oversubscription of the schemes it was important it focused its effort on the most ‘at risk’ areas following detailed data analysis of speed checks within areas. The Council would look to expand such schemes where feasible.




That the report be noted.


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