Agenda item

Action for Nature - Strategic Approach to Biodiversity, Habitat and the Local Environment and Delivery Plan,


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport which sought its views on the Action for Nature, Strategic Approach to Biodiversity, Habitat and the Local Environment and Delivery Plan. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed with these minutes.


Arising from the discussion the following points arose:-


i.       The Committee recognised the importance of the document, however questioned the impact of proposed warehousing and logistics development across the county. The Director assured Members that the approach would allow further weight to be given by the County Council to environmental considerations as part of its comments on planning applications to district authorities.


ii.     The Lead Member informed the Committee that while the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) included some environmental considerations it was not as strong as it could be. Through discussions with UK100 he was aware of the intention to work with Government to strengthen protection provisions within the framework and to ensure they had enough weight versus other material planning considerations. 


iii.    It was further questioned whether the report was at dissonance with the County Council’s Major Roads Programme which invariably had a cost to the environment, such as the 20 mature trees that were felled as part of the widening of the A512.


iv.   A Member suggested further consideration be given to the inclusion of lagging indicators to indicate past performance to allow scrutiny of the baseline compared to improvement. Officers welcomed such suggestions and informed Members that the Department was open to discussions on the indicators as the Action Plan was a live document and expected to evolve over time.


v.     Members were pleased to discuss their own community experiences regarding wildlife verges and the Council’s Blue Heart campaign. It was felt such measures were a low-cost solution which looked great, was beneficial to the environment and supported by communities. However, it was pointed out that while communities seemed to embrace the wildlife verges residents often preferred their own lawns be kept closely maintained.


vi.   The Committee supported the work undertaken by the ‘Wombles’ in litter picking across the county and the benefits it held for biodiversity. In response to a query asking what further actions the Council could take to support them, the Director informed Members that litter picking was a district function and would involve partnership work with the districts if the Authority wished to further its support to the groups.


vii.  The districts and other relevant organisations had been consulted as part of the consultation process, as it was recognised that not one organisation alone was in control or could deliver on the key aims to improve biodiversity, habitat and the local environment across Leicestershire.


viii. In relation to tree planting it was queried whether any proposals had been considered regarding expansion of the boundary of the National Forest to deeper within the County as had previously been discussed as part of the Tree Management Strategy. Members were assured that once the plan to plant 700,000 trees in Leicestershire was further developed a report would be brought to the relevant scrutiny committee.



Mr Pain, Lead Member for Environment and the Green Agenda, thanked the Committee for their positive contributions and feedback on the report. Members were reminded that this report was only one component of the Council’s wider Environment Strategy and its Climate Emergency Declaration. It was recognised that the Authority had hugely challenging targets to reach such as net zero by 2030, however, it was hoped that the identified practical measures would keep the Authority on track to improve factors within its control, and influence factors outside of its remit.





That the Action for Nature – Strategic Approach to Biodiversity, Habitat and the Local Environment and Delivery Plan be supported.


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