A copy of a report to be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 17 September 2021 is attached for consideration by the Commission. The Lead Member for Resources, Mr L. Breckon CC, has been invited to attend for this item.
The Commission
considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources which would be
presented to the Cabinet at its meeting on 17th September 2021 regarding
the 2021/22 revenue budget and capital programme monitoring position as at the
end of July (period 4), and which sought approval to change to the previously
agreed 2021-2025 capital programme and the approach to updating the Medium Term
Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2022 – 2026. A copy of the report marked
‘Agenda Item 8’ is filed with these minutes.
In presenting the
report, the Director highlighted the following:
The current revenue position was £6m better than
previously reported to Cabinet at the end of period 2, but there remained a
£12m overspend, primarily due to 2 key areas: the High Needs Block (Children
& Family Services) and Adult Social Care
(Adults & Communities).
· High Needs Block – A £6m overspend above the grant had been accounted for. However, the overspend had now increased from £3m to £9m. Whilst additional capacity had been and continued to be added to address the problem, use of costly, independent settings continued to increase. This was a historical problem and whilst grant levels had risen, this did not match the pace of rising demand.
· Adult Social Care – There had been little change to the £13m overspend previously reported. The level of demand and the cost of services required both in home and residential care settings continued to rise. As a result of Covid, some patients were being discharged earlier from hospital often with more complex needs placing additional pressure on the service. Also, whilst less people were being placed in residential care homes in line with Council policy, providers were increasing their fees to compensate for falling numbers which added to the current position. For home care services, during the last year additional Covid funding had been received from the NHS which had helped, but this was time limited. Discussions with Health partners to secure additional income for the longer term continued, though this would not be sufficient to address the current overspend and pressure on this budget would likely continue in 2022.
· The main change to the Capital Programme was the increase in expenditure for the two Melton road schemes. This included establishment of a portfolio risk allocation to help manage the unavoidable risks associated with large complex schemes. This also provided a greater level of transparency than including all the contingency within individual schemes.
Arising from
discussion, the following points were made:
Revenue budget
It was questioned whether the Adult Social Care
Target Operating Model (TOM) continued to be the right approach given the
significant overspend in this area and the recent impacts of Covid on the social care sector. Members noted that
the transition of care to support more people in their own home was being
managed gradually to allow the market time to adapt. However, Covid had significantly increased the number of people
immediately wishing to remain at home and this had driven the speed of change
over the last year. The Director confirmed that the TOM was still
considered the right approach, this being preferred by residents and ultimately
reducing the Services accommodation costs. However, time was now needed
to allow the market to catch up, as originally forecast. The position
would be monitored.
Significant concerns were raised about the continued
rise in SEND costs and the increasing High Needs Block (HNB) deficit. The
Council’s approach to build locally based SEND provision aimed to reduce
reliance on expensive independent provision had been successful. However,
demand had continued to outstrip supply, meaning the use of such expensive
independent provision had in reality remained unchanged and costs had therefore
continued to rise.
A member commented that whilst ensuring children had their needs met should be
a priority, it was necessary for these costs to be brought under control given
that any deficit on the HNB had to be met from the Council’s own
resources. Members challenged what the Council’s strategy to address this
was given that a cumulative High Needs funding gap of £26m had been
A member suggested
that reliance on increased funding from the Government at some future point
would not be sufficient. Another Member commented that increasing
provision whilst part of the answer, would not provide a solution to the whole problem
and continuing to focus on upfront demand, as well as considering appropriate
levels of eligibility criteria would be important.
The Lead Member for Resources, Mr L. Breckon CC, provided assurance that work
was underway within the Department to address this issue. The Director
confirmed that this was a key priority for the Authority and given the work
being undertaken by the Department, this might benefit from further scrutiny by
the Children and Family’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Chairman of the Children and Family’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee advised the Commission that it had received reports on this issue and so was aware of the difficulties faced by the Department, but it would take on board the comments now made.
Capital programme
The approach adopted in identifying capital
projects was challenged and a member questioned whether a joint view was taken
across departments about which capital schemes to prioritise based on those
which might generate the best and quickest revenue
return. For example, was account
taken of those road schemes which would facilitate the speedier delivery of
larger housing developments, which would in turn generate increased income from
council tax.
Members noted that targeting resources whilst taking account of wider impacts
on the Council was an approach being adopted more often and the Melton Mowbray
Distributor Road scheme was an example of this. However, there were risks
to the Council when forward funding such infrastructure projects, with the
Council being dependent on developers delivering housing in a timely manner to
recoup its costs via section 106 developer contributions. It was also
often reliant on the availability of Government grants. The Director
agreed that taking a holistic view of development needs in an area, rather than
a scheme by scheme view, was necessary and of benefit to the Council.
Members sought an update regarding the Melton
Mowbray Distributor Road scheme given the escalating costs of £85m detailed in
the capital programme. It was questioned whether formal commitment had
now been given by the Cabinet to deliver both parts of the scheme and whether a
risk sharing agreement had been agreed with the Borough Council. The Head
of Law confirmed that there would be a further report to the Cabinet regarding
the proposed scheme and that legal discussions regarding the risk sharing
agreement were continuing. The Director undertook to clarify the up to
date position regarding decisions taken by the Cabinet after the meeting.
(v) A Member questioned the Council’s wider approach to sharing the risks it faced in delivering infrastructure necessary to support local plan commitments with district councils and sought further information on how it planned to manage this for the future.
The Lead Member for Resources highlighted that several district councils were
currently reviewing their local plans and as part of that process the County
Council’s Growth Service and other Departments were liaising with those
district partners regarding their infrastructure needs. He referred to
the report on strategic planning matters to be considered by the Commission
later on the agenda which provided details of this work.
(a) That
the update on the 2021/22 revenue budget and capital programme monitoring
position as at the end of period 4 be noted;
(b) That
the proposed change to the previously agreed 2021-2025 capital programme and
the approach to updating the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) for 2022 –
2026 be noted;
That the Chairman of the Children and Family’s
Overview and Scrutiny Committee be asked to take account of the comments now
made in respect of the High Needs Block overspend and the potential need for
closer scrutiny of work taking place in the Department to address this;
(d) That a further report be provided at an appropriate time on the work being undertaken by the Council to address the risks, in particular financial risks, it faced in delivering infrastructure across the County.
Supporting documents: