The Cabinet
considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport concerning the
implementation of ‘Bus Back Better’ the National Bus Strategy (NBS), setting
out the financial implications and seeking approval for the Leicestershire Bus
Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) which would inform the proposals for an
associated Enhanced Partnership plan and scheme. A copy of the report,
marked ‘Agenda item 6’, is filed with these minutes.
Members noted that
the costings accompanying the BSIP were still ‘indicative’ as very little time
had been available to develop detailed figures. The Director emphasised that
the extent of delivery of the ambitious plans would be dependent on the level
of Government funding available and added that, in the short-term, the existing
Passenger Transport Policy and Strategy would be used to assess the need for
support where bus services were no longer commercially viable.
Mr. O’Shea CC added
that the publication of the NBS was a radical change in Government transport
policy. He welcomed the Leicestershire BSIP and commended officers for the work
undertaken in such a short timeframe.
the initial financial implications and ongoing funding requirements arising
from implementing the NBS and associated Leicestershire BSIP, including the
appointment of an Enhanced Partnership Scheme Manager and support team, as set
out in paragraph 14 of the report, be noted;
the outcomes of the public engagement survey undertaken by the Authority in
respect of the NBS, as attached at Appendix A and summarised in paragraphs 36
to 47 of the report, be noted;
the Leicestershire BSIP, as attached at Appendix B and summarised in paragraphs
53 to 59 of the report, be approved;
the Director of Environment and Transport be authorised to submit the Council’s
longer-term BSIP funding requirement (as set out in Appendix C and summarised
in paragraphs 60 to 65 of the report) to the Department for Transport by 31
October 2021;
with regard to the Enhanced Partnership Plan and
Scheme (EPS) for Leicestershire (set out in paragraphs 48 to 52 of the report)
requirement to issue a statutory notice of the EPS to Bus Operators in
November, providing them with a 28-day period for objection, be noted;
subject to no objections being received during this period, the undertaking of
a public consultation on the EPS be approved;
the Council’s Passenger Transport Policy and Strategy be amended to take
account of the formal establishment of the EPS and the delivery of the BSIP;
a further report be submitted to the Cabinet in March 2022 presenting the
outcomes of the consultation, progress with implementation of the NBS and the
associated formalisation of an Enhanced Partnership.
To comply with
the requirements of the NBS and the guidance, which requires the County Council
to publish its BSIP by the end of October 2021. Compliance with the NBS and the
guidance will ensure the Authority is still able to access DfT
bus recovery funding, be eligible for the NBS implementation support funding
and also be eligible to access a further share of the £3bn funding that the
Government is making available to fund delivery of the NBS.
Engagement with
stakeholders is an important part of the process for developing an approach to
the delivery of bus services. It helps to ensure that the Authority takes
account of customer and user expectations and delivers the most appropriate
service levels, consistent with the budget available.
As a new approach
for the delivery of improvements to bus services, flexibility is required to
enable the Authority to be ‘fleet of foot’ in evolving the BSIP in light of
experience with its implementation, whilst still ensuring appropriate levels of
oversight and governance are in place. The delegations in place to the Director
regarding the future review and update of the BSIP will achieve this.
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