The Board received a report
from the Director of Corporate Resources regarding administration of the Fund
July to September 2021. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 5’ is filed
with these minutes.
Arising from the discussion the following points were
As with other pension schemes, the
Leicestershire Pension Fund had started to receive an increasing number of
claims from Claim Management Companies, related to previous Fund members who
had transferred out their benefits to a scam, or on bad advice. The Fund had
taken external legal advice due to the high transfer values involved. The
Ombudsmen would consider any claim and could require the Fund to make a
compensatory payment to reinstate Member benefits into the scheme, or an
element of compensation to pay the pension for the cost of their pension
benefits. The Pensions Manager would continue to monitor the situation, and
keep the Board informed.
The Pensions Manager informed the Board that
there had been progression on the 2016 cost cap breach in October, and that HM
treasury planned to proceed with all three proposed changes. As a result, the
chance of a cost cap breach would be reduced for future valuations, from the 2020
Due to the McCloud judgement it was not expected
that the 2016 breach would remain breached once the McCloud costs had been
included. However, Members noted that it did not resolve the ongoing challenge
from Unions, as the outcome of the Judicial Review was still unknown. If the
Unions were to win, scheme member benefits would still need to be recalculated.
The Fund had started to receive enquiries from a
small number of multi academy trusts considering full transfers out to other
funds, where the main source of the academy sat. Members noted that the process
to transfer out employers was very time consuming for the administration. The
Board were pleased to note a policy had been developed to manage the cases.
For bulk transfers, the Fund looked at all
active members, pensioners and reserve members for an employer and provided the
information to the Actuary who assessed the Fund and liability. The Fund’s Actuary
would then agree with the Actuary of the receiving scheme a cost value based on
the Membership, which would be paid across to remove all assets and
liabilities. This meant the Fund would no longer have any responsibility, even
for preserved and retired members. The Pension Manager could only speculate on
the benefit for multi academy trust’s transfers out, which likely related to an
administrative benefit by minimising the number of Fund’s it needed to liaise
with and provide information to. Any bulk transfer would ultimately be approved
by the Secretary of State, meaning academies could not renege on their
Members were concerned to note that the
admission agreement for Beacon Academy to Hutchinson Catering remained
outstanding as Hutchinson wanted to wait for the completion of their commercial
contract with Beacon.
Members noted the outstanding bond and admission
agreements and were pleased that since publication of the report there had been
progress with the completion of LIFE MAT to Total Swim.
Members noted that 14 scheme members did not
receive an annual statement, which involved members who worked for Hutchinson
and Atalian Servest.
Members noted had once the admission agreement had been signed the
scheme members would receive their annual benefit statement. The Pensions
Manager assured the Board that the delays were due to the employers, not
administration of the Fund.
That the report be noted.
That the Chairman write to Hutchinson Catering
and Beacon Academy expressing concern regarding the outstanding admission
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