Agenda item

Draft Leicestershire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022 - 2032.


The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health and Executive Director, Strategy and Planning, Leicester and Leicestershire and Rutland CC which presented the draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) 2022 – 2032 for approval to consult. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 6’, is filed with these minutes.


Arising from discussion the following points were noted;


·       The JHWS would set the strategic vision and priorities for Health and Wellbeing across Leicestershire for the next 10 years. The Strategy would act as the place based plan for the County.


·       A delivery plan and performance dashboard would be developed to help partners ensure that priorities set out in the Strategy were delivered upon and progress was continuously monitored. A review of the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Terms of Reference and membership would also be undertaken to ensure the Board was best placed to be able to oversee its delivery.


·       The proposed eight week consultation, beginning on the 29 November 2021, would help shape the JHWS and clarify that the priorities identified represented the needs of Leicestershire residents and communities. Whilst the consultation would be undertaken over the Christmas period, officers were confident there was sufficient opportunity to engage with residents and the appropriate partners/stakeholders.


·       The detailed consultation plan set out how engagement with key stakeholders would be undertaken, including presentations at partnership meetings such as the Board’s sub-groups, the Council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Leicstershire Challenge and Equalities Group and the NHS Integrated Care System design groups. Whilst the consultation would be framed around the online questionnaire, there was the ability for officers to meet with specific groups such as carers and community and equalities groups. Local Area Co-ordinators would be asked to facilitate conversations and workshops with residents and communities.


·       The draft Strategy would benefit from strengthening the importance of a transformative approach to health and wellbeing and service delivery, particularly post pandemic. The Strategy should encourage the population to take charge of their own health and wellbeing via a citizen activation approach.


·       It was suggested that the final Strategy could promote the use of a global measure of wellbeing which could be used to track the wellbeing of the local population.


·       Delivery of the priorities set out in the Strategy would be a joint responsibility of health partners. Staffing and resourcing would be constantly monitored In order to ensure there was sufficient capacity within the system.


·       It was suggested that the term ‘industrialising prevention’ which was included within the draft Strategy could be re-phrased.


·       The final Strategy would include detail as to how it aligned to the recently formed Integrated Care System.


·       The proposal for the alignment of the Strategy’s priorities with those identified in Primary Care Network (PCN) and neighbourhood plans was welcomed. This would help ensure the work being undertaken in localities would feed into the County wide (Place) work. To compliment this approach, work was already taking place to strengthen integrated neighbourhood working across health and social care via the PCN and the healthy partnership work at district level.


·       Board members were asked to promote the consultation document within their own organisations.




a)    That the draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) 2022-2032, attached as appendix A to the report, be approved for consultation;


b)    That it be noted that a Delivery Plan and associated dashboard will be developed to support the delivery of the JHWS;


c)     That it be noted that a report detailing the outcome of the consultation exercise and presenting the final JHWS for approval would be considered by the Board at its next meeting in February 22.



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