Agenda item

Annual Review of the Asset Strategy and Structure.


The Committee considered an exempt report of the Director of Corporate Resources concerning the annual review of the Fund’s Asset Strategy and structure. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 13’ is filed with these minutes.


The report was not for publication by virtue of paragraphs 3 and 10 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


Representatives from the Fund’s Investment Advisor Hymans Robertson provided a Market Update to the Committee and highlighted that returns had mostly returned to normal pre-pandemic level by the end of 2021.


Following the presentation, the following points arose:


i.            The long-term impact of the United Kingdom’s Exit from the European Union remained unclear, which was reflected in the activity of the markets such as UK Equity which had seen some strain, as markets did not react well to uncertainty.


ii.           Returns the Fund had generated were comfortably ahead of the required return as assumed by the Fund’s Actuary at the valuation in 2019.


iii.          The Director clarified that it was normal to take more risk than strictly required to generate the projected returns by the Actuary. Some excess risk was prudent to provide downside protection, and balance employer contributions. The Fund would consider its targets as part of the 2022 valuation exercise, and any material changes would be considered as part of the 2023 asset strategy review, however no significant changes were expected.


iv.         The Fund already made positive investments in relation to climate change, such as its investment in timber with Timberland, the assets of which were low and potentially negative regarding carbon emissions within the infrastructure asset class.


v.           More broadly within Infrastructure it was evident there was key reliance on concrete and steel, a significant carbon emitter. Nevertheless, when looking at the larger picture the resources were necessary in the creation of the renewable energy sector in the development of onshore and offshore wind farms and solar farms. Such developments created substantial carbon in construction, however, over its 30 or 40 year lifespan it was extremely beneficial regarding decarbonisation. The focus of the Fund would be shaped by the Fund’s Climate strategy where possible in considering such factors.


vi.         In relation to a question regarding the Fund’s  willingness to invest in social infrastructure in the locality with the aim of helping local authorities, the economy and community. The Director informed the Committee that the Fund was limited to local investment 5% of its total Fund, and that there were several issues which restricted it due to conflicts of interest, and the Fund’s inability to use social good factors to reduce financial return due to its fiduciary duty to employers and scheme members. Furthermore, the Fund would be required to develop a bespoke arrangement with an Investment Manager to facilitate such investments which would be higher cost compared to existing investments.


vii.        Members noted that the Fund’s Investment Managers tended to have broad global areas they invested in, and that they had an obligation to consider all opportunities if it is the best investment in the Fund’s interest. If that was in the local area, then there would not be anything stopping the Investment Manager committing capital to that opportunity.




a)    That the outcome of the review on the Annual Asset Strategy be noted.


b)    That the proposal to maintain the allocation as agreed on 22 January 2021, be approved.


c)     That the Director of Corporate Resources review the following asset classes and submit the outcomes to future meetings of the Committee or Investment Subcommittee.

i. Listed Equity

ii. Targeted Return

iii. Infrastructure

iv. Property

v. Distressed Debt


d)    That the Investment Subcommittee be asked to consider over the course of 2022 the changes necessary to meet the strategic asset allocation, the outcome of any review, subject to c), and the relevant product launches by LGPS Central and other investment managers.


e)    That the Director of Corporate Resources, following consultation with the Chairman of the Local Pension Committee, be authorised to utilise the Aegon short-dated investment grade bond fund to hold surplus cash awaiting drawdown to closed-ended funds, based on cash flow forecasts.

f)      That it be noted that the intention of the Fund is to develop and document its rebalancing principals as part of the Investment Strategy Statement refresh.