Agenda item

Risk Management Update.


[Mr. D. C. Bill MBE CC left the meeting at this point and did not return to the meeting.]


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Corporate Resources which was to provide an overview of key risk areas and the measures being taken to address them. The report also provided updates on the Corporate Risk Register, emerging risks and issues, mitigating the risk of fraud, the Council’s Risk Management Policy Statement and Strategy and the Council’s Insurance Policy.  A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 11’, is filed with these minutes.


In introducing the report, the Director confirmed that a reminder of the risk scoring matrix details had been included in the report in response to the Committee’s request at its November meeting.


Arising from discussion the following points arose:


(i)     Concern was raised that Corporate Risk 4.2 (If Arriva is successful in its concessionary travel appeal, or the City in its challenge on the methodology of reimbursing operators, then reimbursement costs for the scheme could increase) had been on the Corporate Risk Register (CRR) for some time. The Director confirmed that the Internal Audit Service had recently followed up this matter as a priority and requested the latest position from the relevant officers.  Assurance had been provided that the actions to enable the risk to be removed were almost concluded.  It was anticipated that further progress would be made before the Committee’s next meeting.


(ii)    Members noted that the monitoring of Covid grant funding payments made to the Council was an area of work that was ongoing for the Internal Audit Service and a report on the activities undertaken would continue to be included in the Internal Audit progress reports regularly considered by the Committee as necessary.


(iii)   Regarding Corporate Risk 7.1 (If sickness absence is not effectively managed then staff costs, service delivery and staff wellbeing will be impacted), it was questioned whether the productivity levels and the wellbeing of staff working from home was being considered as part of this risk.  Members commented that if these areas were not monitored effectively then they could potentially have an impact on sickness absence levels.  The Director confirmed that he would raise this point with the team managing the Ways of Working Programme, which was currently under development, to ensure this was being considered.


(iv)   A member sought assurance that Cabinet Lead Members had oversight of departmental risk registers and the risks that escalated to the CRR.  It was agreed that this point had been raised with the relevant officers/members some time ago and that it may be useful to raise again.


(v)  Members requested a presentation be given at the Committee’s next meeting on either Corporate Risk 1.11 (regarding the consequences if Freeport designation is not achieved) or Corporate Risk 7.2 (regarding the risk if departments are unable to promptly recruit and retain staff with the right skills and values and in the numbers required to fill the roles needed) as the Director of Corporate Resources considered appropriate.




(a)    That the current status of the strategic risks facing the County Council be approved;


(b)    That at the next meeting of the Committee a presentation be provided on either Corporate Risk 1.11 (regarding the consequences if Freeport designation is not achieved) or Corporate Risk 7.2 (regarding the risk if departments are unable to promptly recruit and retain staff with the right skills and values and in the numbers required to fill the roles needed) as the Director of Corporate Resources considers to be appropriate;


(c)    That the Director be requested to raise with the Assistant Director for Corporate Resources, leading on the Ways of Working Programme, the Committee’s concerns that productivity levels and the wellbeing of staff working from home should be considered as part of Corporate Risk 7.1 (If sickness absence is not effectively managed then staff costs, service delivery and staff wellbeing will be impacted);


(d)    That the updates provided regarding the emerging risks and issues, mitigating the risk of fraud, the Risk Management Policy Statement and Strategy and the Insurance Policy be noted;


(e)    That assurance be sought that the appropriate lead members had oversight of the departmental risk registers and the risks escalated to the Corporate Risk Register.

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