The Committee considered a joint report of the Chief
Executive and Director of Environment and Transport which set out performance
of environment and waste to December 2021. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda
Item 9’ is filed with these minutes.
The Director set out the report and highlighted the twelve
indicators that had been updated as at December 2021,
with six having improved, two declined and four remained the same as previously
Arising from the discussion the following points arose:
Total fly-tipping incidents per 1,000 population
had increased from 5.5 to 8.86 during 2020/2021, the Committee recognised from
previous discussions that factors were complex, and that enforcement was key to
reduce incidents. It was noted that the Council remained in the second quartile
for performance in comparison to other councils.
A Member questioned whether the County Council
monitored hybrid vehicles, given the indicators related to Electric Vehicle (EV) ownership and
charging locations. The Director of Environment and Transport confirmed that the
Authority did not monitor the number of hybrid vehicles, but that the outcome
and impact would be reflected in emission data included within the report.
iii. A
Member questioned the availability of EV charging for those within terrace
housing or without assigned parking. The Director informed the Committee that
the Council was in the process of updating its Highway Design Guide to take into account the best options to enable home charging
as part of its policy. It was anticipated that residents would need to seek
approval from the County Council for permission to use a cable over a footway.
Arising from a further question the Director informed the Committee that there
was no intention to allow charging from street lighting.
iv. The
Director added that it was important for the County Council to take into account installation of EV charging points, as
energy companies looked to provide rapid charging stations in petrol stations.
It was recognised that the Council should augment the provision by private sector providers
to ensure any infrastructure was as comprehensive as could be
A Member questioned whether the County Council
was too narrow minded in its focus on EV’s, given other technologies and the
cost of EV’s and insurance. The Member further highlighted that Harborough
District Council had looked at Electric Vehicle charging points but found
difficulty in rural areas as it appeared that the infrastructure could not
support it. In response the Lead Member assured Members that the County Council
was technologically neutral and that it was not bound to specific solutions,
highlighting its transition of some of its fleet to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil
for fuel. Members were assured that as a public authority the County Council
was pragmatic with its working processes and any technology solutions.
vi. In
reference to the ‘annual percentage of municipal waste sent to landfill’ it was
questioned how the Authority intended to reach Government’s recycling targets
by 2025, given performance remained within the fourth quartile. The Director
informed the Committee that the completion of the ongoing waste procurement
exercise would allow for a step change in its disposal with creation of
alternative disposal points to reduce the waste sent to landfill.
A Member questioned the two indicators for
Leicestershire rivers which had not been updated. The Director informed the
Committee that data was expected in the next six months from the Environment
Agency. In response Committee requested, that an invite be extended to the Environment
Agency, as well as Severn Trent and Anglian Water to understand information
related to river water quality, storm overflows and what they were doing to
achieve Government’s objective of all rivers being in good quality status by
2027. The Committee agreed to share questions in advance with the organisations
a. That the report be noted.
That the Environment Agency, Severn Trent Water
and Anglian Water be invited to a future meeting to discuss issues related to
river quality.
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