The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport concerning the A511 Growth Corridor, which included information regarding the projected cost increase and the results of an informal consultation exercise on the proposed Bardon Link Road. The Cabinet’s approval was sought to approve the submission of a planning application for the Link Road and for the necessary action to be taken to secure the land required to deliver the road. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 5’, is filed with these minutes.
Mr O’Shea CC said this particular area of the County was experiencing a significant amount of growth and therefore the link road was a vital part of the infrastructure, as recognised in North West Leicestershire District Council’s Local Plan.
a) That the revised costs estimates for the A511 Major Road Network (MRN) project arising from the independent audit of the Highways and Transport Capital Programme be noted;
b) That the resultant financial approach developed to address the revised project costs be noted;
c) That the results of the informal consultation on the proposed Bardon Link Road be noted;
d) That the proposed route for the Bardon Link Road, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be approved and that the Director of Environment and Transport be authorised to make minor alterations to the route as necessary;
e) That the Director of Environment and Transport be authorised:
I. Following consultation with the Director of Corporate Resources and the Cabinet Lead Member for Highways, Transportation and Flooding, to continue all necessary work to progress the A511 Growth Corridor scheme including submission of the Full Business Case to the Department for Transport (DfT) and submission of a planning application in respect of the route of the Bardon Link Road aligned to the programme for scheme delivery as required by the DfT;
II. Pursuant to (e) (i) above, in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance and following consultation with the relevant Cabinet Lead Members, to continue discussions with landowners and stakeholders, with a view to reaching voluntary agreement over the purchase and/or reservation of land for the Bardon Link Road elements of the A511 Growth Corridor MRN project;
III. To make preparations in parallel with (ii) above for the use of compulsory purchase powers pursuant to the Highways Act 1980 and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981, taking all steps necessary to include the preparation of the Draft Compulsory Purchase Order, associated Side Roads Order and Statement of Reasons.
To note the projected cost increases for the A511 MRN project following the recent independent audit of the Environment and Transport Capital Programme and plans in place to secure the additional funding required.
To note the outcome of the pre-planning informal consultation which took place between 27 September 2021 and 31 October 2021 to support the development of a planning application and to enable the planning application with regard to the route of the Bardon Link Road to be submitted to the County Council's Development Control and Regulatory Board.
In order to complete the application process for DfT MRN funding, it is necessary for the County Council to prepare and submit a FBC before DfT funding is awarded.
Where possible, it is hoped that the acquisition of land and rights or interests in land will be achieved by negotiation and agreement with landowners. However, alongside and in conjunction with the negotiations with the landowners, it will be essential to commence the preparation for the use of the compulsory purchase powers to procure land and rights or interests in land along the route.
The circumstances in which the previous Cabinet authority was given in March 2021 to progress the A511 Growth Corridor scheme to FBC have significantly changed including market conditions, risks and the potential need to increase forward funding.
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