Agenda item

Counter Terrorism Local Profiles.

A presentation will be given by Sergeant Andy Goadby, Prevent Team, Leicestershire Police.



The Board received a presentation from Sergeant Andy Goadby, Prevent Team, Leicestershire Police regarding the work of the Prevent Team and the Counter Terrorism Local Profile. Arising from the presentation and discussions the following points were noted:


(i)          The Prevent Team was based at Spinney Hill Police Station in Leicester and comprised of two civilian officers and 4 police officers. The role of the Team was to receive referrals regarding individuals that were at risk of being exploited by extremists or becoming radicalised and put support in place for those people. Referrals to Prevent should be made via the National Referral Form which was on the Leicestershire Police website but inquiries could also be made to the Prevent Team via telephone on 0116 2486770. There was also an additional website which provided general information regarding the subject: Edwina Grant from Hinckley and Bosworth District Council was the District lead for Prevent, and the Community Safety Team at Leicestershire County Council played a co-ordination and oversight role. However, referrals should go to directly to the Prevent Team rather than to Edwina Grant, though Edwina Grant would be notified by the Prevent Team. It was important to give partners the tools, knowledge and confidence to make a referral to the Prevent Team and anything Board members could do to facilitate this would be welcomed.


(ii)         Concerns were raised that poorly managed interactions between the police and the public could lead to a mistrust of the police and consequently information regarding terrorism would not be shared. In response reassurance was given that Prevent had a team of contact officers that were impartial and independent from the investigation and provided support in a sensitive manner. If the Prevent Team identified safeguarding or mental health issues then they would make referrals to the appropriate partners.


(iii)       The Counter Terrorism Local Profile Document was published annually and set out the threats, vulnerabilities and risks relating to terrorism and violent extremism in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The latest version had been published in January 2022 and much of the information within the document had been gained from questionnaires which had been sent out. The majority of referrals the Prevent Team received related to Leicester City. Of the Districts, Charnwood, Blaby and Hinckley and Bosworth had the most referrals. This had been the same distribution of referrals for some time.


(iv)       The priorities for the local area were:

·       Islamist terrorism;

·       Extreme right wing terrorism;

·       Online extremism;

·       Self initiated terrorists;

·       Extremist travel;

·       Prison radicalisation and releases.


(v)        The greatest terrorist threats came from individuals that had been inspired on their own initiative by browsing the internet etc rather than being encouraged by others or being part of a terrorist network. The Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on extremism and radicalisation as people had more time to be online and become radicalised and they had not been seen and monitored by other people during that period.


(vi)       The terrorist attacks which were most commonplace did not require training or specialist equipment but could be carried out using a vehicle of a knife.


(vii)      Early identification of persons at risk was key and signs to look out for included:

·       Developing intent including committing to the role and a sense that something must be done, verbalising concerns, and having fixations around a grievance or target;

·       Developing capability including developing skills and knowledge, deciding on tactics, sourcing resources, and showing an interest in methods used by previous attackers;

·       Planning and preparing for an attack, making final preparations, and tying up loose ends.


(viii)    Potential links between Hate and Prevent were being assessed and the Hate awareness packages delivered to schools were being reviewed.




That the contents of the presentation be noted.