Agenda item

Medium Term Corporate Strategy.


The Commission considered a report of the Chief Executive concerning revisions to the Medium Term Corporate Strategy. A copy of the report marked ‘C’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed the to the meeting the Leader, Mr Parsons, who had kindly agreed to attend the meeting to answer questions in relation to this item.


Mr. Parsons introduced the report and stated that the review had enabled the Administration to concentrate on a smaller number of Corporate Objectives and smaller number of Priority Issues which were intended to improve the County Council’s performance in service delivery and the wider role of community leadership.  The Strategy now set out targets against each of the Priority Issues.  He went on to state that although the Strategy now clearly focused on the key priorities, the Administration remained committed to improving all of the Council’s services.


In response to comments and questions the Commission was advised by the Leader that :-


(i)         the Best Value Performance Plan should be a separate document from the Medium Term Corporate Strategy, but there was a need to maintain a link between the two documents.  The Strategy was intended to set out clearly the priorities of the Council.  The Performance Plan followed the structure of the strategy.  Performance would be regularly monitored and reported to the appropriate scrutiny body.


(ii)        the performance targets in the document were intended to be challenging and measurable.  However, it was recognised that in relation to certain measures such as the availability of bus services, targets would have to be refined over time and that it would not be sufficient to rely upon existing policy commitments.


(iii)       the Administration recognised that the National Equality Standard Target it had set itself would be particularly challenging.  To acknowledge this one member of the Cabinet had for the first time been given a particular brief to progress work in this area.


(iv)       the reference to private sector provision in relation to the Common Admission Date for young people was a response to Government guidance to take account of such provision.  It was recognised that progress on a Common Admission Date was dependent on the Council finding additional resources, something which was extremely difficult given the underfunding by the Government of Leicestershire Education.


(v)        the reference to the ‘unfair government grant system’ for education in Leicestershire reflected the views of the Administration and the Leader believed many others.  He, therefore, considered that it should not be amended.


(vi)       the figures quoted in relation to the reporting of incidents of domestic violence were those agreed with the Home Office as part of the Public Service Agreement.


(vii)            consultation undertaken had shown that one of the highest local priorities was a reduction in crime and improvements in community safety.  To that end a separate corporate objective “Seeking a Safer County” was now included in the Strategy and a Member of the Cabinet had been assigned to progress this.  The Leader acknowledged that progress in this area was dependent upon establishing a good working relationship with a range of other partners, particularly the Leicestershire Constabulary and District Councils.  The production of a Strategy was a first step and consideration would then be given to producing more, or more closely defined, targets in relation to this objective.


(viii)     the Cabinet would be receiving a report in the near future on proposals for investing the additional resources agreed in the current budget for Crime Reduction Initiatives including improvements to facilities for young people.


(ix)       the Leader had stated within the Strategy that Administration remained committed to improving all Council Services.  In the area of Museums and Arts, this would need to be done in partnership with other agencies.


It was moved by Mr. Rushton and seconded by Mr. Osborne:


‘That the Cabinet be advised that the Commission generally welcomes and supports the revised Medium Term Corporate Strategy.’


An amendment was moved by Dr. Pollard and seconded:


‘That the following be added to the motion:


“That the commitment given by the Leader to consider and, if possible, accommodate the views/comments now expressed be welcomed.” ’


The mover of the motion with the concurrence of his seconder and approval of the Committee accepted the amendment.


The motion as amended was put and carried.

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