Agenda item

Quarter 1 2022/23 Performance Report.


The Committee considered a joint report of the Chief Executive and Director of Children and Family Services which presented an update on the Children and Family Services Department’s performance for the period to June 2022 (Quarter 1). A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed with these minutes.


Arising from discussion, the following points were made:


      i.         In response to concern around the decline in the number of child protection cases reviewed within timescale, the Director explained that improvements had being made. However, the delays were largely a consequence of a lack of availability amongst Independent Reviewing Officers and to continued issues with staffing due to a national shortage of social workers. The Department was focussed on filling vacancies and would use agency staff where necessary to meet demand. Members noted that this data related to visits to undertake the review and not specific work with children which was ongoing despite the review delay.

     ii.         Despite the overall decrease from Quarter 4 2021/22 to Quarter 1 2022/23, the Departments performance had since improved. The Director reported that in August 2022, only one case was reviewed outside of the targeted timescale. The Director agreed to provide Members of the Committee with details of the number of Child Protection cases reviewed within timescales between October 2021 and August 2022.


    iii.         The Cabinet Lead Member for Children and Families assured members that she had oversight and continued to receive regular updates on the figures relating to children becoming subject to a Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time. This reporting would include the length of time between plans, which had usually been around two years indicating that there were periods of improvement and stability.


   iv.         Members noted that performance was comparable to that of other local authorities regionally and nationally and that the growth in demand for Child Protection Plans may have been as a consequence of the shortage of support available from health and other social care providers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Director explained that robust discussions would take place between the Safeguarding Unit and social workers to understand the data with the aim of reducing any safeguarding risks. Members welcomed the Department’s involvement with a national piece of work around adapting an alternative type of multi-agency plan for older children who may not benefit from being subject to a Child Protection Plan for long periods of time.


     v.         In response to concerns raised the Director explained that work would be undertaken to understand the increasing trend for children being electively home educated (EHE). The Council would aim for children to be educated in a school environment. However, some families managed EHE well and the Council sought to support them in that choice. Whilst there had been an increase in parents choosing to EHE their children for various reasons, there had been a number of children where this had continued following school closures during the Covid-19 pandemic. This could be due to anxiety and other health issues. The trend had been reported nationally and the Council had escalated its concern to the Department for Education. The Department would continue to visit children who were EHE and take action where concerns were raised. Members were assured that the Inclusion Service would also continue to have conversations with parents to discuss the complexities and responsibilities of EHE their children and to help manage their expectations, as well as helping a child return to school where appropriate. 

   vi.         Members noted that a report would be presented at a future meeting of the Committee on the number of EHE children in the County which would include an overview of the Department’s strategy for supporting families with this decision


  vii.         Members noted that the Department had been working with regional partners to establish a family hubs model which would support and signpost families across Leicestershire through single point of access. A report on Family Hubs would be presented at a future meeting of the Committee.


 viii.         The Cabinet Lead Member for Children and Families encouraged all parents to take up the Free Early Education Entitlement, highlighting the benefits such as providing children with the opportunity to adapt to an educational environment and to socialise with other children; early years education would also provide the opportunity for the identification of potential SEND needs which would help schools to provide the correct support going forward.




   ix.         That the update on the Children and Family Services Department’s performance for the period to June 2022 (Quarter 1) be noted.


     x.         That the Director of Children and Family Services be requested to provide Members of the Committee with details of the number of Child Protection cases reviewed within timescales between October 2021 and August 2022.


   xi.         That it be noted that an overview report would be presented at a future meeting of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the development of the Family Hubs model.


  xii.         That it be noted that a report would be presented at a future meeting of the Children and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the number of Electively Home Educated children and an overview of the Department’s strategy for supporting families with this decision.


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