Agenda item

Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2021/22.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adults and Communities, the purpose of which was to seek its views on the draft Annual Report of the Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adult Board (LRSAB) for 2021/22. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 8’, is filed with these minutes.

The Chairman welcomed Ms. Fran Pearson, Independent Chair of the Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB), to the meeting for this item.

Noting that the period being reported on was Ms. Pearson’s final year in the role as the Independent Chair for the SABs, the Committee invited Ms. Pearson to give an overview of the three years she had held the post and her opinion on how Leicester and Leicestershire’s position compared with other areas of the Country. In response, the following points were noted:

(i)         A key focus had been working to ensure a more joined up approach between the two local SABs and the various sub-groups, the process of which had been accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.  It was felt that locally the strategic alignment between the various councils to enable urgent issues (such as responding to the needs of Ukrainian refugees) to be managed in a timely manner was exemplary.


(ii)       Over the years the Board had become more data driven to support a more strategic approach. The continuation of such an approach would be important, particularly when current and future priorities were being considered.


(iii)      The issues being identified by the local SABs were mostly similar to those of other partnerships across the Country. It was expected that most Boards would have a key priority identified in relation to ‘self-neglect’. The local SABs referred to this as ‘hidden harm’ and there was concern that this issue, along with safeguarding issues in care homes, would become more relevant as time went on.


(iv)      Many SAB’s across the Country were receiving a large number of Safeguarding Adult Review referrals. Leicestershire had been keen to trial a new process to improve the rate in which such reviews were conducted which had been welcomed. Whilst there had been some challenges adopting this new process, those involved had felt the experience had been worthwhile and that much learning had been gained.


(v)       For a number of reasons children’s services often benefitted from more frequent statutory guidance revisions. It was felt that adult services would very much benefit from the same approach. 


In concluding her comments, Ms. Pearson offered thanks to Jon Wilson, the Director of Adults and Communities, for all of his support during her time as Independent Chair of the SAB.

Arising from discussion, the following points arose:

(vi)      In response to concerns raised by a Member around the lack of diversity in the group of people considered as subjects of the Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs), it was acknowledged that whilst a fair amount of engagement work had been undertaken during the period there was still more to be done locally to raise awareness of adults safeguarding in diverse communities.  This was a key strategic priority in the joint LLR SABs Strategic Plan (Priority 4). An example of engagement work recently undertaken to raise awareness was that, as part of a joint campaign between the SAB and the Children’s Safeguarding Partnership, a video had been produced which had been widely distributed and covered in the media.


(vii)     Looking ahead, plans were in place to progress the engagement work through an agreed set of principles with involvement from partners and the County’s Health and Wellbeing Board. A key focus would be on reaching out to wider communities. Learning from some of the practices used by Leicester City was also being considered to determine any beneficial aspects to take forward for the County. 


(viii)   It was confirmed that the outcomes of SARs were analysed to determine any patterns of issues in line with statutory guidance. However, in some parts this steered away from root cause analysis in its direct form. The analysis undertaken was usually contained in each individual case report and any learning identified published on the website of the relevant Board. In light of the comments now made consideration would be given to how information relating to SARs was presented in the Annual Report going forward.


(ix)      The Committee offered its thanks to Ms. Pearson for all the work she had undertaken during her time as the Independent of Chair of the SAB. The Chairman said that the way the SAB had moved forward with working strategically with partners was remarkable and something he had personally observed over time. The Lead Member offered her personal thanks for all the support Ms. Pearson had given to her and the Cabinet Support Member, including her input at regular meetings.



That the Annual Report of the Leicestershire and Rutland Safeguarding Adults Board for 2021/22 be welcomed.


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