The Cabinet considered a report of the Chief Executive
concerning matters relating to Charnwood Borough Council’s Local Plan (2021 –
2037). A copy of the report and
Supplementary report, marked ‘Agenda Item 7’ is filed with these minutes.
Mrs Taylor said the County Council needed to continue to work with Charnwood Borough Council to help produce a sound Local Plan and in return the Borough Council needed to supply the evidence requested by the County Council in order to ensure the process moved forward as quickly as possible.
She added that district authorities needed to be mindful of the demand placed on the County Council to support the development of local plans and they therefore needed to work with the County Council to develop a timetable which would avoid multiple local plans being progressed at the same time.
Mr Bedford CC said that it was crucial sound Local Plans were in place as soon as possible to avoid developments being built without the necessary infrastructure.
a) That it be noted that the position taken by Charnwood Borough Council on the first day of the Examination in Public was a change from the Local Plan it had submitted and which the County Council had agreed to support with conditions;
b) That the evidence, clarification and information the County Council requires to enable it to support Charnwood Borough Council’s proposed changed strategy for dealing with unmet need from the City of Leicester, as put to the Inspectors, as set out in paragraph 50 of this report, be noted;
c) That the potential consequences for the County Council arising from the delay to the Examination in Public be noted;
d) That the interim approach to dealing with planning applications in Charnwood be approved and that, as the local planning authority, Charnwood Borough Council’s support for its implementation be sought;
e) That Charnwood Borough Council be notified that it is the County Council’s view that:
I. the Borough Council needs to establish new formal governance and joint working arrangements with the County Council to oversee the preparation for the next stage of its Local Plan and beyond.
II. in the event that the Borough Council is required to reconsider its housing strategy following the Examination in Public in October 2022, it should give due consideration to the inclusion of new sites to accommodate additional housing as well as the distribution of additional housing across sites identified in the Charnwood Local Plan (2012 – 2037) submitted to the Inspectorate in December 2021.
f) That the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader of the County Council and the Lead Members for Children and Family Services and Highways, Transportation and Flooding, and on advice from the Director of Law and Governance, be authorised to:
I. keep under review the basis for the County Council’s position for the purposes of the Examination in Public; and
II. make such changes to that position as may be required in the light of evolving circumstances, including in respect of Charnwood Borough Council’s position on how it proposes to deal with the City’s unmet housing need and the Examination’s progress, including to update and/or to prepare new documentation as required for the Examination in Public; and
III. take all required steps should it be necessary for the County Council to make any formal submission on the position taken by Charnwood Borough Council when the Examination in Public resumes.
To ensure that the information required to enable the County Council to support a changed Local Plan is communicated to Charnwood Borough Council.
To ensure that the County Council’s interests are protected during the extended period of Charnwood Borough Council having no adopted Local Plan.
To reiterate the Cabinet decision of June 2022 to formalise a commitment to joint working with Charnwood Borough Council on its Local Plan which was not taken forward given the pause in the EiP.
In the event that Charnwood Borough Council’s Housing Strategy is reviewed, providing that they are of an appropriate scale and location, the inclusion of new sites in any reconsidered Housing Strategy could aid the delivery of necessary supporting infrastructure and services in comparison with a strategy that may seek to scatter provision in smaller numbers over a wide geographic area.
Authorising the Chief Executive to revise the County Council’s position for the purpose of the EiP and representation at the hearing sessions, in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance, would ensure it reflects the latest position in the light of evolving circumstances.
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