The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport regarding the outcome of consultation on the draft Net Zero Leicestershire Strategy and Action Plan and seeking approval for the revised documents to be submitted to Council. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 4’, is filed with these minutes.
Also filed with these minutes are the Net Zero Consultation Summary Report (circulated for information), a draft minute of the Environment and Climate Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which had considered the report on 20 October, and comments from Mr. Max Hunt CC on behalf of the Labour Group.
Mr. Pain CC said that the Council was committed to achieving Net Zero for its own operations by 2030 and hoped that, working with others, Net Zero could be achieved for the County by 2045.
(a) That the findings of the public consultation on the draft Net Zero Leicestershire Strategy and Action Plan and comments of the Environment and Climate Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted;
(b) That the amendments made to the Net Zero Leicestershire Strategy and Action Plan in response to the consultation findings, as described in the table in paragraph 39 of the report be supported;
(c) That the amended Net Zero Leicestershire Strategy and Action Plan, and the 2030 Net Zero Council Action Plan be submitted to the County Council for approval at its meeting on 7 December 2022;
(d) That the Director of Environment and Transport, following consultation with the Lead Member for the Environment and Green Agenda, be authorised to make any further minor amendments to the Net Zero Leicestershire Strategy and Action Plan in the light of any feedback from Environment and Climate Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Cabinet.
The amendments made to the Net Zero Leicestershire Strategy and Action Plan respond to the feedback received by the public and stakeholders through the public consultation.
The Net Zero Leicestershire Strategy and Action Plan sets out a countywide strategy for achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions in Leicestershire by 2045 which will involve local authorities, partners, businesses and residents.
In view of its significance the Strategy and associated documents are to be submitted to the County Council for approval. It may be necessary to make some final minor changes arising from consideration by the Environment and Climate Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Cabinet.
Supporting documents: