(Mr. B. Lovegrove
CC, having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest, left the meeting for
consideration of this item.)
The Committee
considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport regarding the
progress of the North and East Melton Mowbray Distributor Road (NE MMDR)
scheme, including cost implications, which provided an opportunity for comment,
prior to the Cabinet making a decision on 16 December 2022 on whether to
progress to delivery of the scheme. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item
8’, is filed with these minutes.
In presenting the
report the Director of Environment and Transport set out three options for the
next steps of the scheme and explained the benefits and risks/disbenefits of
each. Those options were:
Option 1 – Proceed to Delivery of the Scheme;
Option 2 – Do not proceed to delivery;
Option 3 – Pause the scheme.
The Director of
Corporate Resources explained that neither of the options were affordable and
costs had increased significantly. As the additional costs were not currently
allocated in the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), committing this funding
would add to the existing borrowing requirement. Additional savings could also
have to be made elsewhere within the Council to cover the additional money
spent on the NE MMDR. However, pausing the scheme could result in more
expenditure for the Council than if the scheme was proceeded with straight
Arising from
discussions the following points were noted:
Members urged the Director of Environment and
Transport to maintain dialogue with the Department for Transport regarding any
additional funding that might be available for the scheme.
In response to a question from a member it was
explained that the expected inflationary rates had been included in the figures
presented in the report and the Council had allocated some money to cover those
additional costs. The contract with the main contractor Galliford Try
stipulated that both parties would be rewarded or penalised if costs changed.
HM Treasury had suggested allowing for a +/- 10%
change in costs, meaning that the scheme could outturn at £127.7m. Members
sought reassurances that costs plus 10% would be enough and there would not be
an even bigger increase in cost in a year’s time.
If a decision was made to proceed with the
scheme the Council would need to borrow to cover the additional costs of the
scheme. Consideration would have to be given to the timing of when any external
borrowing was taken out and although interest rates were likely to carry on
rising it was expected that they would peak in 2023. The Council would use the
Grant money first for the scheme and then take out any loan further down the
line. The numbers presented assumed that the loan would be over 40 years, but
the actual duration would be decided at the time. It was assumed to be a
maturity type loan which would mean the whole amount would be payable by a
certain date at the end.
Homes that were to be built in connection with
the NEMMDR would result in additional Council Tax being received by the Council
however there was usually a shortfall in Council Tax and as the population of
the area rose demand for services would go up in the Melton area. Government
funding such as the Public Health Grant did not take into account current
population levels.
Members agreed that neither option for the
scheme was ideal however members emphasised the positive aspects of proceeding
with delivery of the scheme. For example, the road would ease traffic
congestion in Melton Mowbray town centre. The scheme was also a critical part
of Melton Borough’s Local Plan and would directly support 4500 new homes.
Members thought that to not proceed with the scheme now would be a waste of the
time and resources that had already been put into the scheme.
That the progress of the North and East Melton
Mowbray Distributor Road scheme including cost implications and the options for
the next steps of the scheme including the risks of each option be noted;
That Option 1 – Proceed to delivery of the
scheme, be supported;
That the comments now made be forwarded for
consideration by Cabinet at its meeting on 16 December 2022.
(Note: Mr. B.
Lovegrove CC then returned to the meeting.)
Supporting documents: