purpose of this item is to enable consideration of the responses of the
following Overview and Scrutiny Committees to their respective areas of the Medium Term Financial Strategy:
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (meeting held on 18 January)
and Climate Change Overview and Scrutiny Committee (meeting held on 19 January)
and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee (meeting held on 23 January)
and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee (meeting held on 24 January)
and Transport Overview and Scrutiny (meeting held on 26 January)
In considering areas where the Council might
use the unallocated £1m funding to offset planned savings, the following were
suggested for consideration by the Cabinet:
repairs and improvements – Given that the Members Highway Fund would come to an
end this year and many Members received comments from residents regarding the
deteriorating condition of roads in the County, it was suggested that some of
the unallocated funds could be targeted towards highway repairs and
This proposal was supported by the Commission, but it was suggested that
in the first instance a briefing should be provided on this topic to help all
Members understand the constraints and pressures faced by this service and how
they could raise queries about issues in their area. Consideration could then be given to how
these might then be addressed/improved with some additional funding.
A Member questioned whether there was scope to include in section 106
planning agreements a provision requiring developers of large logistic sites to
contribute to highway repair and maintenance costs given the damage caused to
roads around those areas by large logistical vehicles. Officers undertook to come back to Members on
this matter after the meeting.
Speed Cameras – There were a number of potential areas where the siting of
average speed cameras would be of benefit.
Road safety and reducing traffic speeds was necessary to reduce
accidents and fatalities.
It was noted that the capital cost of siting another seven average speed camera
was in the region of £500,000 and unfortunately the Treasury had refused the
Council’s proposals to retain fines arising from cameras once installed to
recoup these costs. The Leader commented
that without a change of policy from the Treasury the Council did not have the
capital resources to support this.
Buses –
It was recognised that pressure to cut bus services continued to mount as usage
fell but costs increased. Members
recognised that the delivery of bus services was a commercial decision for
private bus operators. The Leader
commented that if services were not used and therefore no longer considered
viable by operators, the Council did not have adequate resources to subsidise
these. The Leader further commented that
it was Council policy to try to support sustainable travel options, but it was
likely in the future this would be through a demand responsive transport
Packs - A member commented that use of section 106 developer contributions to
provide travel packs was not working effectively. It was questioned whether such funds could be
re-prioritised to support bus routes or to look at alternative options to
support demand across a broader area.
(a) That
the comments now made be submitted to the Cabinet for consideration at its
meeting on 7th February 2023;
(b) That
an all Member Briefing be arranged regarding the constraints and pressures
faced by the Highway Maintenance Service and how Members could raise queries
about issues in their area;
(c) That
officers be requested to consider the legal position regarding the use of
section 106 developer funding to support travel packs and whether this could be
reallocated to other more suitable travel options;
(d) That officers be requested to consider
whether there was scope to include in section 106 planning agreements a
provision that would require developers of large logistic sites to contribute
to highway repair costs.
Supporting documents: