In introducing the
report, the Director advised Members that the document was a viable
self-assessment ready for 1 April 2023 when the new assurance process took
effect and would be a live document updated on a regular basis to ensure it
completely reflected the work being done at any given time.
Arising from
discussion and questions, Members noted the following points:
From April 2023 the CQC would continue to pilot
assessment methodology and would at the same time be developing profiles of
each authority in the country, using information from social care, the NHS, and
from a variety of other sources.
Following on from the Committee’s standalone
workshop on 13 February 2023, the assessment document had been amended to
reflect comments, one of which had been to make the document more concise and
positive around Leicestershire and the services offered; its strengths being
better celebrated.
Content had been added regarding how people
could access adult social care services, information about advocacy services,
how people would be protected whilst waiting for an assessment, and other
useful information which linked well to the CQCs framework. The document had
been revised into a table format to make it easier to review.
A further comment from the workshop had been to highlight
dependencies on partner agencies, and so linking with discussions on continuing
health care and funding nursing care determinations. At point 2.4 in the
appendix to the report, it explored the issue further and highlighted how it
could have led to fewer nursing care options in Leicestershire and included an
improvement action for the Authority to explore. It was suggested that the
Cabinet Lead member for Health be engaged on the self-assessment, to ensure
that consistent messages were being shared, particularly with health partners.
A Member suggested that in
order to improve access to information and advice about adult social
care services, better use of district council communication channels and
district council members could be made as outlined at point 1.14 of the
appendix to the report.
Significant work was underway to engage with
people with lived experience of social care services and to find out what they
thought about how easy it was (or not) to access information, particularly on
the Councils website. The team had
engaged with learning disability locality group members who had provided
substantial feedback on their experiences and any barriers faced. Feedback
would be analysed and shared with colleagues to help inform the redesign of the
website. Similar sessions would also be
held with the Department’s engagement panel members representing adult social
care services or groups in looking at fact sheets on certain areas, such as
adult social care finance, to see how easy it was to understand the
information, or how they would approach topics on the website.
Having reviewed other council
websites, it was suggested that there were opportunities to improve the
layout of the County’s own website, and time to introduce more video
information to explain content, particularly to people who were more visual
learners. It was noted that an external
evaluation of the website would need to be commissioned corporately and that
this was being explored.
Information had been added to the document which
set out improvements made to the Safeguarding Adults Board in recent years,
what it had achieved, such as the range of training, and resources it had
developed in areas like hidden harm and risks to people with learning
disabilities. This also showed a positive picture about training completion
rates and the lead practitioner for safeguarding had been engaged to increase
rates of staff completion of courses.
A Member asked if, when updates were brought
before the Committee, amendments to the sections could be highlighted in the
Members raised concerns regarding point 1.15 in
the appendix to the report, which showed that in 2021/22 the Council ranked in
the worst 25% of authorities for the percentages of service users and carers
who reported they had as much social contact as they would like. It was noted
that the figures were from a survey and that responses were subjective, in that
social levels of contact might not necessarily have anything to do with social
care, but might be social contact with family, friends and the community.
Members were assured, however, that the Council would continue to work
comprehensively with the resources it had, and with the voluntary and community
sector to enable people to have more social contact where possible.
It was noted that in the report the Joint
Strategic Needs Assessment figure for people that had dementia, 59.4% had a
coded diagnosis. A Member requested that the document be amended to capture
more information around diagnosis rates.
That the report on the Council’s draft
Self-Assessment, being developed in preparation for inspection by the Care
Quality Commission (CQC) under the new assurance process, introduced through
the Health and Care Act 2022 be noted.
That the Committee receive an update report on
the Self-Assessment and Improvement Plan in six months, and thereon after when
c) That
it be requested that amendments to the document be highlighted in future
That the Director be requested that future
documents be amended to make clearer information around diagnosis rates.
Supporting documents: