Agenda item

Overview of the SHIRE Community Grant and SHIRE Environment Grant programmes.


The Scrutiny Review Panel received a presentation which provided an overview of the SHIRE Community Grant and SHIRE Environment Grant programmes.


The Chairman thanked officers for the presentation and noted the diversity that the grant schemes offer.


      i.         The proposal to cease delivery of the SHIRE Community and Environment Grant programmes with immediate effect had been part of the Council’s MTFS 2023/24 – 2026/27 and members suggested that the financial position would need to remain a key consideration in determining the future of both grant programmes in 2023/24 and onwards. Members highlighted the importance for the Council to prioritise social care, education, and other statutory services which it must deliver, against a backdrop of difficult financial circumstances.


     ii.         In response to member concern regarding the Council’s financial position, officers explained that the budget for both grant schemes had been set by members, originally at around £1million in 2017, although the rate had fluctuated year on year. During 2020/21 and 2021/22 the grant budget was higher due to government grants to support with COVID-19 and had reduced to £600k in 2022/23. The Council’s departments would usually award contacts for community and charity organisations and the grants compliment what is delivered through these. A member suggested that there would be a need to consider the Councils budget against the social responsibility in supporting vulnerable people and community groups.


    iii.         It was suggested that there could be an opportunity for the grants budgets to be reduced rather than ceasing delivery of the schemes. Suggestions for cost cutting measures and how the budget for the grants could be reduced would be considered by officers and potential options for this would be provided at the meeting on 12 April 2023.


   iv.         Members raised concern over the costs associated with administrating the grant schemes, in particular staffing costs. It was explained that exact costs were not available at the time, but members noted that a number of officer posts were involved in the administration of the grants. Officers agreed to supply members with a breakdown of costs associated with administrating the grant schemes, at the meeting on 12 April 2023.


     v.         In response to a question regarding the number of organisations that had submitted repeat requests for funding and the frequency of these requests, it was explained that the majority of applications had been from new applicants. However, some organisations who had benefited from the grant schemes had submitted a repeat request, which would usually be for different purposes than that previously. Members noted that the issue of repeat funding had been a discussed with funders and that it had been a controversial challenge to overcome. The grants schemes had been popular with community groups and there was no rule that repeat requests for funding could be made. However, when a repeat request for funding had been received, officers had queried the reasoning for this and would promote other avenues of funding. Members expressed their concern regarding repeat requests for funding and officers agreed to provide members with the number of organisations that had submitted repeat requests for funding and the frequency of these requests, at the meeting on 12 April 2023.


   vi.         The grant schemes had primarily focussed on supporting vulnerable people and communities but had on occasion awarded funds to parish and town councils, and larger organisations, to support projects which aimed to support these groups, such as programmes delivering food provision. However, members raised concern at this and questioned whether these authorities and organisations should allocate funding from their own budgets or from alternative sources. Officers agreed to provide the number of applications from larger organisations or precepting authorities at the meeting on 12 April 2023.


  vii.         A member suggested that the grants had provided a positive impact on vulnerable groups, and organisations which may have not been in a position to deliver services without the funding and asked that the wider impact of the grants be considered by all members. Officers advised that business intelligence data relating to grants performance was available although it could be difficult to quantitively measure impact and value for money. Members noted that the impact of the grant schemes and value for money would be illustrated by evidence which would be presented by departmental officers within the Council, Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VSCE) organisations and Grant beneficiaries, as well as other grant funders, partners and stakeholders.


 viii.         It was suggested that there were various considerations to be made when making the decision whether to cease the SHIRE Community and Environment Grants schemes. Grant funding could be reduced rather than withdrawn completely. The funding process could be amended to not allow repeat requests for funding or to not allocate funding to larger organisations or to town and parish Council’s. Consideration could also be made as to whether the grant schemes should have priority themes or proportional splits.






a)    The Overview of the SHIRE Community Grant and SHIRE Environment Grant programmes be noted;


b)    The number of organisations that repeat requests for funding and the frequency of these requests be provided on 12 April 2023;


c)    The number of applications from larger organisations or precepting authorities (both actual number and percentage), be provided on 12 April 2023;


d)    The administrative costs of running the SHIRE Community Grants be provided on 12 April 2023;


e)    Qualitative and quantitative data to demonstrate the impact and value for money of SHIRE Community and SHIRE Environment Grants be provided on 12 April 2023;


f)      Suggestions for cost cutting measures and how the budget for SHIRE Community and SHIRE Environment Grants could be reduced be provided on 12 April 2023.