Agenda item

Recommended Changes to Targeted Return Investments

Representatives from Hymans Robertson (Hymans) the Fund’s investment advisor and Fulcrum Asset Management will provide a presentation as part of this item.



The Chairman informed the meeting of a change to the running order of the agenda, with Agenda Item 10 to be taken as the next substantive item.


The Sub-Committee considered a report by the Director of Corporate Resources which provided Members with information in respect of the targeted return investments and proposed changes. The paper was supported by a presentation from Hymans Robertson (Hymans) the Fund’s investment advisor and Fulcrum Asset Management. A copy of the report is filed with these minutes marked ‘Agenda Item 10’. The report was not for publication by virtue of Paragraphs 3 and 10 of Part 1 of Schedule 12(A) of the Local Government Act 1972.


Representatives from Hymans set out the purpose of the review which was undertaken as a result of recommendations approved at the 20 January 2023 Local Pension Committee, where three asset class reviews were proposed alongside other recommendations which included the update to the strategic asset allocation (SAA) that moved the targeted return target allocation to 5% of total fund assets.


Hymans presented the scope of the review, which compared three options for the targeted return allocation for the Fund, and options comparison qualitative results. The options were outlined as:


·       Option 1, continue with the current managers, and associated strategies;

·       Option 2, modify the current bench of managers/strategies which would improve the robustness of the current allocation, but could have significant governance implications;

·       Option 3, replace the current managers with the LGPS Central fund, as currently specified.


In presenting their findings, Hymans concluded when comparing Options 2 and 3, both options were better placed to meet investment objectives of the portfolio compared to Option 1. Hymans summarised Option 2 as being more attractive in terms of improved complexity, transparency and liquidity risk, as well as RI credentials compared to other options, and provided recommendations from their findings.


In response to a question on the costs of investment if trying to exit from (current targeted return managers) them, it was acknowledged that the Fund would always look to minimise exit levies.


[At this point representatives from Fulcrum joined the meeting]


Fulcrum representatives delivered a presentation which provided an introduction to Fulcrum Diversified Core Absolute Return (DCAR), the focus of which was to provide an alternative return stream, providing genuine diversification at times when traditional portfolios were failing. The company had adopted a macro approach that helped long-term investors sustainably build wealth, and to build robust portfolios that could stand the test of various macro environments.


The Sub-Committee heard of the objectives of an Absolute Return Strategy to generate returns, provide downside protection and which were complementary to client portfolios. The Sub-Committee questioned Fulcrum on the fund feature to target inflation + 3-5% per annum over five-year periods, investing with an absolute return mindset, and how it could be controlled. Members were assured it could be controlled over shorter terms, but that over longer-term the intrinsic risk would not alter if inflation were high.


The Sub-Committee were assured that Fulcrum took its stewardship responsibilities seriously and had a strong level of support for environmental and social resolutions, and had supported more proposals than many of the world’s largest asset managers. It was further noted that the RI policy aligned with the objectives of DCAR.


[At this point representatives from Fulcrum left the meeting]


The Sub-Committee discussed the recommendation to the report. They sought further clarity the fee rates and asked for an amendment to recommendation c) in the report.


[At this point representatives from Fulcrum re-joined the meeting]


Fulcrum representatives were informed of, and agreed the suggested amendment to recommendation c) to the report that fees would be negotiated via the Director of Corporate Resources.




That the Investment Sub-Committee approve:


a.     The Director of Corporate Resources be authorised to take the necessary action in order for the Fund to disinvest the targeted return investments during 2023/24, as outlined in preferred Option 2 in the report.


b.     That an investment increasing to 3% of total fund assets be made to the existing Ruffer mandate over 2023/24.


c.     That an investment totalling 2% of total fund assets be made to the new Fulcrum diversified core absolute return fund over 2023/24, subject to negotiation of fees via the Director of Corporate Resources.


The meeting took a short break at 12:05pm and reconvened at 12:11pm.