Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements.


Deaths of Past Chairmen and Former County Councillors


The Chairman reported with great sadness the deaths of three former County Councillors and past Chairmen, Mrs Jackie Dickinson, Mr Roger Wilson and Mr Jim Roberts, and of former County Councillor Mrs Anne Crumbie MBE.


Mrs Dickinson was a member of the County Council from 2005 to 2017 and represented the Enderby Meridian Electoral Division. 


She served as Chairman of the Council for the municipal year 2011 to 2012 and was a Cabinet Support Member in 2013.  She was Deputy Chairman of the Children and Young People’s Service Overview and Scrutiny Committee for a number of years, followed by being a group spokesperson on the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  She was also a member of the Scrutiny Commission and Development Control and Regulatory Board.


Mr Wilson was a member of the County Council from 1993 to 2013.  He represented the Birstall Electoral Division.


Mr Wilson was Deputy Leader of the Council from 1999 to 2001 and was an original member of the Cabinet, with the portfolio of ‘Promoting Better Government for Leicestershire’.  After this he mainly served on a number of different overview and scrutiny committees, the Standards Committee, Corporate Governance Committee and Employment Committee.  He was Chairman of the Council for the municipal year 2009 to 2010. 


Mr Wilson was made an Honorary Alderman of the County of Leicestershire in 2013.


Mr Roberts was a member of the County Council from 1981 to 1997, representing the Belgrave and Stoneygate Electoral Division in Leicester City.  He mainly served on the Social Services Committee, Policy and Resources Committee and the Arts, Libraries and Museums Committee. He served as Chairman of the Council for the municipal year 1996 to 1997. 


Mrs Crumbie MBE was a member of the County Council from 1985 to 1997.  She represented the West Knighton Electoral Division in Leicester City.  She mainly served on the Social Services Committee and its subcommittees.  She received an MBE for her services to the Red Cross.


Members joined the Chairman standing in silent tribute to the memory of Mrs Dickinson, Mr Wilson, Mr Roberts and Mrs Crumbie.


Chris Tambini


Chris Tambini would be leaving the County Council at the end of the month after more than 20 years, with the last five years as Director of Corporate Resources.  He had previously worked in a London Borough, a City Unitary and for PricewaterhouseCoopers.


Chris had led and overseen significant changes during his time with the Council and made a major contribution to modernising and transforming the shape of the Council.  He led on a number of successful major change programmes such as the creation of the Investing in Leicestershire Programme and the launch of the Social Care Investment Programme. He also ably led the Corporate Resources Department, reshaping key support services, and made a significant corporate contribution to the leadership and reputation of the Council.


Being with the Council through the austerity years and Covid pandemic Chris had always ensured that robust financial management arrangements had been in place, and that the Council maintained a focus on medium term financial planning.  This placed the Council in a far more secure position than would otherwise have been the case. This was recognised by IMPOWER when they rated the Council the most productive in England for three consecutive years.


In 2022, Chris was President of the Society of County Treasurers, which alongside his involvement in various Government working parties including Fair Funding and Special Education Needs reform provided him with national platforms to discuss key public sector issues and promote the Council’s interests. Most notable had been Chris’s championing of funding reform that exposed the unfairness of the national system and the County Council’s low position within it.  Chris had developed a deserved reputation and respect outside local government which would stand him in good stead for the future.


Members joined the Chairman in wishing Chris all the best for his future ventures.


Mo Seedat


Mo Seedat, Head of Democratic Services, would be retiring at the end of the month. The Chairman felt sure that members would not want the occasion to pass without placing on record the Council’s appreciation of Mo’s very special contribution to the operation and sound governance of Leicestershire County Council.


Mo first joined the Committee Services Team in 1982.  He was instrumental in establishing the Council’s overview and scrutiny function and oversaw its operation for a number of years before becoming Head of Democratic Services in 2014.


The Council had benefitted greatly from Mo’s experience and knowledge.  He had advised members on a huge range of issues and governance matters and his skill in finding a solution to any difficult situation had been invaluable on many occasions.  His calm leadership and professionalism had also ensured that the Council maintained its reputation for good decision-making and high standards of conduct.  He had achieved the confidence of members and senior officers alike whilst at the same time leading and supporting junior colleagues in the fine art of applying the Council’s constitution.


The Chairman placed on record his personal thanks, and the thanks of his predecessors as Chairman, for Mo’s guidance though Council meetings and, on behalf of all members of the Council, wished Mo all the best for the future and for a long and happy retirement.


King Charles III Coronation


On Saturday 6th May King Charles III was crowned, a very special and unique occasion for the Country. The Chairman represented the Council at a special Church Service on Thursday 11th May at St. Mary De Castro Church; some members were also present.


On Saturday 13th May the Chairman hosted a Coronation Big Lunch for the volunteers in Leicestershire communities who help deliver services. It was a fantastic event which everyone enjoyed.


The Chairman read out a Coronation message that the Lord-Lieutenant of Leicestershire received from His Majesties the King and Queen prior to the Coronation. The message read:


“Both my wife and I are enormously grateful to all the communities, families, neighbours and friends who are coming together across the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth to mark our Coronation.


We greatly appreciate everyone’s efforts to organise such celebrations, and very much hope that they will be enjoyable and happy occasions.


As we look towards the future, we feel deeply touched and sustained by the heartfelt good wishes and support of so many kind people around the country.


CHARLES R.                        CAMILLA R.”


Armed Forces Day


As a prelude to Armed Forces Day, the Chairman would be hosting an Armed Forces Day Flag-Raising ceremony at the Stand Easy Memorial, on Monday 19th June at 10.30. All members would be invited, and the Chairman hoped that they would be able to join him.


On Saturday 24th June, together with the Lord-Lieutenant and Lord Mayor of Leicester, the Chairman would be attending Armed Forces Day in Leicester City. There would be a parade of service personnel, veterans, and cadets through the streets of Leicester. Following the parade there would be an outside ‘Drumhead Service’ in Green Dragon Square. The Chairman invited members to come into the City and watch this fitting tribute to the Armed Forces and veterans.


County Service


The Chairman would be hosting a County Service later in the year and all Members would receive an invitation in due course.