Agenda item

Progress Report on Community Health and Wellbeing Plans.


The Board considered a report of the Integrated Care Board which provided an update on the progress of the seven Community Health and Wellbeing Plans (CHWPs) across Leicestershire. A copy of the report, marked ‘Agenda Item 7’, is filed with these minutes.


Arising from discussions the following points were noted:


(i)           The Leicestershire Health and Wellbeing Strategy set out the overall vision for Leicestershire and the CHWPs were an opportunity to tweak the vision for particular localities. One of the main aims of the CHWPs was to tackle health inequalities, particularly in areas of the County with high deprivation levels. The Plans had resulted in closer partnership working taking place in the districts.


(ii)         There were Action Plans and Performance Indicators to go alongside the CHWPs.


(iii)        Working Groups and Delivery Groups had been established in the seven Districts to aid implementation of the CHWPs. A mapping exercise was being carried out regarding which Boards and Committees would need to be kept abreast of the work of the Working Groups and Delivery Groups and how best to feed into them to ensure there was no duplication. Reassurance was given that the Health and Wellbeing Board would be regularly updated.


(iv)       There was no additional funding for the CHWPs therefore the work would have to be carried out from existing funding. Some reassurance was given that most of the work was not new, it was about working in a different way therefore new funding was not required. Grants would be bid for where appropriate and volunteers would also be used. This issue of funding would be monitored going forward.


(v)         Health and Wellbeing Board Leads needed greater clarity on what work their staff were being required to do in relation to CHWPs. Membership lists of the Working Groups would be circulated to Health and Wellbeing Board members to ensure that the Board was satisfied with the representation on the Groups.


(vi)       Public Health representatives had been invited to attend the Working Groups. In response to concerns that this could create a resources problem for Public Health some reassurance was given that there had been no problems so far and Public Health apprentices had been fulfilling the role which had worked well. In order to reduce the amount of representatives that were required, the Working Groups had been combined as much as possible. The issue of resources would be closely monitored going forward.


(vii)      Healthwatch and Leicestershire Police were also welcome to take part in the Working Groups and further conversations regarding their involvement would take place outside of the meeting.


(viii)    Local Area Co-ordinators and Social Prescribers were heavily involved in the CHWP work.


(ix)       Reassurance was given that the CHWP work would link in with the existing Leicestershire Carers Strategy and Dementia strategy and the CHWP work would not be carried out independently from partners. The Community Health and Wellbeing Teams would play an important role in highlighting where existing resources and services were.


(x)         The Hinckley and Bosworth Community Health and Wellbeing Plan 2023 – 2026 stated that deaths by suicide in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland increased by 40% between 2021 and 2022 however this figure was not correct and required amending. It was agreed that this would be corrected after the meeting.


(xi)       Whilst there was a strong evidence base for the priorities set out in the Community Health and Wellbeing Plans the results of the May 2023 local authority elections could have some impact on the delivery of the Plans.




That the progress of the seven Community Health and Wellbeing Plans within Leicestershire County be noted.



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