The Committee considered a report of the Director of
Environment and Transport, the purpose of which was to seek the views of the Committee
on the draft updated Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Leicestershire
(LLFRMS) as part of the public consultation. The update had been provided by
the Council in its role as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA). The LLFRMS
detailed the principles, objectives and measures by
which local flood risk is to be managed in Leicestershire, and specified the
roles and responsibilities of the Council, partner organisations and the
public. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 10’ is filed with these
The Cabinet Lead Member for Highways, Transportation and
Flooding thanked officers for the thorough work that had been undertaken on
what was a very complex issue.
Arising from discussion, the following points arose:
A Member asked for clarity around revisions to
the thresholds criteria for formal flood investigations, specifically in
respect of two commercial properties that had flooded, and asked if they were
small retail units, or warehouses with substantial commercial impact if flooded.
Members were informed that the criteria were not absolute, and that the
Director would use discretion to undertake formal investigation when it was
considered necessary. It was further noted the Formal Flood Investigations
Policy had been amended to bring it up to meet national guidance, and for
responses to be consistent, to allow for quicker response with proportionate
resources dedicated to incidents.
A Member questioned if the County Council
maintained its own flooding records, or whether it relied on those of the
Environment Agency (EA). Members noted that, in terms of evidence bases and
formal processes like consultation for development, the EA’s records were the
first point of reference, but that the Council was also building up records of
response, complaints and incidents investigated, and evidence could be used to
challenge the EA’s records that were not quite correct. It was envisaged that discrepancies would
become less as records were developed.
A Member queried how culverts were managed in the
Strategy, as not all of them appeared to be the County Council’s
responsibility, with some falling under Town Council responsibility, and others
looked after by Severn Trent, as culverts potentially caused downstream
flooding risk. Members were informed that the mapping and understanding of the
asset infrastructure was a huge challenge but mapping these had been a good
process undertaken to help manage flood risks better in future. This work was
still in progress.
That the Committee supported the draft Leicestershire Local
Flood Risk Management Strategy.
Supporting documents: