Agenda item

Update to Petition Response: Request for a School Crossing Outside of St Peters Catholic Primary School.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Environment and Transport which provided information on the outcome of investigations following the presentation of a petition voicing concerns about road safety outside of St Peters Catholic Primary School in Hinckley. A copy of the report marked ‘Agenda Item 8’ is filed with these minutes.


The Chairman welcomed Mr. S. Bray CC and Mr. M. Mullaney CC to the meeting for this item. Comments on the report from Mr. Mullaney had been circulated to Committee Members prior to the commencement of the meeting and a copy is filed with these minutes.


At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. S. Bray CC raised the following issues on behalf of local residents:


1.     Residents were pleased that the 24 hour assessment period had been undertaken in good weather during the school term but felt that it did not show a complete picture, for example, on a Monday there were a lot of school trips such as, swimming which may have given a different result.

2.     For the full data to be published from the survey.

3.     Residents wished the Committee to note that, when discussing accident history on the site, a constituent had died at that location a few years ago.

4.     The timescales for the proposed measures to be brought in.

5.     Residents wished the Committee to note that it had taken the best part of five years to reinstate the school crossing patrol, and it would cause a major problem should that person decide to retire or leave. There would be a call for more action if and when that patrol left.


The Director responded as follows:


  1. She acknowledged that there might have been some differences in activity on a different day to when the survey was undertaken, but stressed that the survey had been conducted in June during nice weather on two different days.  This had given a representative view of the level of activity outside the school, in line with the requirement to consider average levels of activity in deciding whether a crossing would be justified.


  1. The full data would be shared with Members.


  1. The Director recognised sensitivities around accidents, however, officers had to operate to the recorded accident history over the past five years provided by the police, and there was no record of accident within the time period.


  1. Consultation would be required for the parking bays, and school keep clear markings. Officers would be requested to set out a timetable of works which would be provided to Mr. Bray.


Arising from discussion, the following points arose:


i.          A Member requested that, in the future with the increased popularity of the school, the issue be revisited in the future to check whether the Crossing Justification Value (CJV) of 0.7-0.9 had been reached to justify a zebra crossing.


ii.          A Member queried how many people equated to the difference of 0.14 between the current Crossing Justification Value (CJV) and the required level to justify the provision of a zebra crossing, given there was a recent approval of a development of flats close to the location. The Director informed the meeting that the CJV was based on a formula used that included other factors, such as, vehicle flow on the road, pedestrians crossing and vulnerable people, therefore an absolute figure could not be given. However, if something significant changed in the vicinity, for example, if the school changed its size, that would then trigger a reassessment.


iii.          The Lead Petitioner would be updated on the contents of the report and on the comments received from Mr. Mullaney.


The Chairman said he was pleased progress had been made, and that it was commendable that local Members had offered their Highways Fund for a crossing, however, criteria for a crossing would still have to be met.




a)    That the update report on the outcome of investigations following the presentation of a petition voicing concerns about road safety on London Road, Hinckley be noted.


b)    That the Director of Environment and Transport be requested to:


                 i.      Share full data resulting from the survey with local Members;

                ii.      Provide a timetable of works for parking bays and ‘Keep Clear’ markings to Mr. Bray;

              iii.      Update the Lead Petitioner on the contents of the report and comments received from Mr. Mullaney.


Supporting documents: