The Committee considered a report of the Director of Adult
Social Care which provided an update on the current demand pressures faced by
the Council’s Adults and Communities Department, including people waiting for
care and support. It also provided an
overview of the Adults and Communities Demand Management Programme, and an
update on the position of managing demand in October 2023. A copy of the report
marked ‘Agenda Item 9’ is filed with these minutes.
from discussion, the following points and questions arose:
A Member queried if the service was able to manage
the forecasted 3% growth in service users. The Director reported that as well
as an increase in demand there had also been an increase in dependency since
the Covid 19 pandemic, as well as extra needs for people being looked after in
the community for longer. The cost of home care and residential care had also increased and officers were seeing more court work, with
more mental capacity and deprivation of liberty cases coming forward. The result of this was that people might have
to wait longer for their care packages to be put in place.
Members questioned and were reassured about the
training and support provided to adult social care staff. The Director confirmed that the Department
was fortunate to have three qualified lead practitioners who supported staff
with their professional development, to ensure they were able to keep up with
professional registrations through training, and with twice yearly professional
development days to focus on particular areas, such as
new legislation. Members were pleased to note that unqualified staff also
received the same level of training and career development day opportunities.
A Member questioned of the 6% growth in Home
Care client numbers, how much was a result of Covid-19 exacerbating existing
and new health issues. The Director reported that there were a
number of factors at play. These
included people living for longer and therefore continuing to require care for
longer. Also the number of people leaving hospital and
requiring a social care assessment had increased, with the proportion going on
to receive a service doubling in number. People were also requiring treatment
for longer, and there appeared to be a higher level of need with people not
recovering as quickly, which also lead to higher packages of care.
It was recognised that people who received home
care and did not recover in the first twelve weeks were more likely to become
dependent on the service. This was being addressed by early reviews being
undertaken within that period to determine if people were able to regain their
independence and services reduced.
In response to a Members’
question, the Director reported that people in the 18 to 65 age range were
receiving support earlier and there was a growing expectation that Adult Social
Care would became involved earlier, particularly to help young people move
towards more independent living. It was further noted that the service was
seeing an increase in those suffering from early onset dementia, which was now
presenting in the 60+ age range (previously only seen in those of 70 – 80 years
plus), resulting in more younger ‘older’ people
entering the system than before.
It was noted that the Medium-Term Financial
Strategy (MTFS) to be presented to Cabinet in December would be based on growth
figures and pressures as at September / October
2023. Current figures around demand
management work which would be available in November / December 2023 could not
therefore be captured. Discussions were being
held with the finance team on how best to address this within the forthcoming
That the report on Managing Demand in Adult Social Care be
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